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Forums - General Discussion - The sad state of the US people.

MontanaHatchet said:
Reagan, Reagan...wasn't he that guy who multiplied our national debt several times in the course of a few years, thus setting a precedent for future presidents to make the problem even worse? Doesn't this massive debt hurt out relation with other countries, and won't it eventually hinder our economy as we are forced to pay it off, billion by billion?

I'm not saying that Reagan is a horrible president, but I think democrats generally have their flaws far overblown compared to republicans.

I'll say it for you - that fool sucked. I was a teen when he was president and I thought he was horrible. I know several folks out of work due to his policies. I am still trying to figure out why folks said he was awesome.


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Because he was a sweet old man. How is anyone going to bad mouth a sweet old man...

He ended the cold war and got us back to hot wars...

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

MontanaHatchet said:
Reagan, Reagan...wasn't he that guy who multiplied our national debt several times in the course of a few years, thus setting a precedent for future presidents to make the problem even worse? Doesn't this massive debt hurt out relation with other countries, and won't it eventually hinder our economy as we are forced to pay it off, billion by billion?

I'm not saying that Reagan is a horrible president, but I think democrats generally have their flaws far overblown compared to republicans.

Actually, the current national debt is a great way to solve this problem. Just let everybody stop paying taxes altogether (should make rich people happy), then the US government will go bankrupt and all those rich people will see their dollars become worthless.



What makes me angry is that people think people who have money owe other people... I'm sorry Bill Gates made his money through hard work and lots of sweat blood and tears... he chooses to give money to good causes and that's good, but no one should be made to give money to anyone unless that money is owed according to the laws that govern us... This is the way we work... you get what you work for not the other way around. I hate these f'n socialistic jerks that seem to have invaded the Democratic party.

madskillz said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Reagan, Reagan...wasn't he that guy who multiplied our national debt several times in the course of a few years, thus setting a precedent for future presidents to make the problem even worse? Doesn't this massive debt hurt out relation with other countries, and won't it eventually hinder our economy as we are forced to pay it off, billion by billion?

I'm not saying that Reagan is a horrible president, but I think democrats generally have their flaws far overblown compared to republicans.

I'll say it for you - that fool sucked. I was a teen when he was president and I thought he was horrible. I know several folks out of work due to his policies. I am still trying to figure out why folks said he was awesome.


Because he saved our Military from being a joke that it was befor his terms in office.  You have no idea how horrible things were back then... my Master Gunns has horror stories.


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steven787 said:
Because he was a sweet old man. How is anyone going to bad mouth a sweet old man...

He ended the cold war and got us back to hot wars...


Ask your parents how fun it was to have air raid drills and watch videos of people being blown to shit by Abombs... I'm sure if they were in school in the Cold War they went through some of that... I think Lewis Black said it best... "That was a scarcy fucking time to"

I would say Reagan was a horrible president.

He was strong vs the USSR and thats all basically people say nice about him.  Iran Contra sucked... etc.

As a British person, the general conscensus over here is overwhelming support for Obama. Many of my mates have gone to the US to help Obama's campaign .
the thought of Palin as Vice president (a creationist ffs!) scares me.

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bobbo19 said:
As a British person, the general conscensus over here is overwhelming support for Obama. Many of my mates have gone to the US to help Obama's campaign .
the thought of Palin as Vice president (a creationist ffs!) scares me.


 That's because those of the UK are more left wing than those of the US. But that, imo, comes with maturity of the nation.

TheRealMafoo said:

I was thinking about last nights debate a little, and it saddened me a great deal.

A little history about the US for those in other countries, and those living here that need a refresher.

America is supposed to be the land of the free. The constitution gives us these freedoms. What does being free mean? In the context of the constitution, it is the opposite of indentured. Indentured means to be in the service of others. For example, a peasant must work for his king. In the US, the government is supposed to protect you from being in the service of others. Your time is your time.

Now, this does not mean you don't pay taxes, it just means that the taxes you must pay are to service the country for your good. The money (time) the government takes from you is to support you. I have no problem with that.

What happened last night troubled me a great deal. McCain attacked Obama with a claim that he want's to "spread the wealth". A very socialistic concept. When it was time for Obama to respond, he did a very surprising thing. he did not refute it, he agreed with it. He said the rich can afford it.

Never in american history have I seen a candidate publicly announce that redistribution of wealth was part of there platform. When you take money (someone's time) from one group of people, for the sole purpose of giving it to another, you make that group indentured servants. This goes against everything the constitution stands for. The most liberal Democrat of 30 years ago would have never wanted this. They would have wanted you to pay more taxes, so you can get more benefit from the government, not to take it away from you and give it to someone else. John F. Kennedy would have been disgusted by what's happening today.

I am not that concerned about Obama. What I am concerned about, is that no one cares that he said it. This country does not care that a segment of it is having there freedoms taken away. There seems to be a majority population that feels taking money from one group of people, solely for the betterment of another is OK.

This is this single biggest issue that our forefathers created the United States to combat, and no one cares to protect it anymore.

It's a very saddening reality.

Wow, after the patriot act, DMCA, guantanamo bay, illegal wiretaps, etc.  Your actually trying to make the argument that paying higher taxes is a freedom issue?  That's just plain crazy.

In case you hadn't noticed, the world is going to shit.  Sacrifices need to be made.  For poorer people, this can mean joining the military and putting your life on the line (a large majority of enlisted men are from the lowest tax brackets).  For rich people, this means parting with some of your "hard earned" money.   Who do you think has benefitted the most from all of this deficit spending that has caused us to have over 10 trillion dollars debt?  It ain't poor people.

So suck it up, its time to make some sacrifices and pay back some of that debt.