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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why did you dont buy a PlayStation 3

Because there are no games the Playstation 3 has that I want.

I play RPGs - both J and W, and wanted a system that had them. Therefore I got a X360 on launch day, knowing MS had to secure JRPGs to have any sort of marketshare this gen, and I was 100% right.

And thus far, I couldn't be happier with my purchase. If I was a PS3 owner, I'd be a trainwreck since I would have thrown $400+ away.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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Not enough exclusives, too expensive.

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Because there are no games on PS3 i want besides MGS4 and im not brain washed by Sony's marketing about bigger better when its not true.

no game really interests me yet,besides MGS4,but I have already finished it by borrowing my friend's ps3,I return the ps3 to my friend right after I have done the story,maybe killzone 2 will be the next ps3 game that gains my anticipation
FFXIII used to be on my list too but now it will go to 360 as well
I really like Halo,GOW and most likely fable 2 in my 360.
Online experience and controller design,I think,are also better in 360
Moreover,it costs me more money to choose ps3.

mamboula said:

Causse i'm a french canadian.

I make great effort to talk in english.

So please do not critical.


Sorry man,

I usually go too far with my jokes :/

If it makes you feel better, I suck at French.


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Why didn't i buy a PS3?

becuase i have all i need on the 360 tons of games great online and lots of fun =).

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

well i dont like the ps3 im just a 360gameboy (360 lover)

Final Fantasy is fun but i think there is to many games. Idk

its fanboy


What are you talking about???

I did by one :P

All the games that intrest me on the PS3 are on the 360 and I have always hated the Playstation controller.