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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 1UP WiiMusic review in... A-

Zucas said:
Khuutra said:
Zucas said:
Khuutra said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
Isn't an A- on 1UP a 9.5? Well, I'm shocked to say the least :P
But they did give Boom Blox a A...

Still, this suggests the game is of at least decent quality. I don't what to believe anymore ._.


Look, I want you to look at the last line of my sig. "ALL GLORY TO THE HIVE."

That's a line I used to mock people who let their opinions solely be determined by review scores. Don't be one of those guys! Reviews aren't everything. The only source of opinions that should matter to you is you. Aggregate scores mean absolutely nothing at all.

In this case though I think reviews are more liable than the violence of factions.



...I'm not sure what you mean, to be honest.


Well violence of factions was something James Madison discussed as basically the interests of the few imposed as the descisions for the many.  Meaning I'm going to give a little more credit to those who have played the game and given their opinion than those groups whose main purpose of dissing the game is of their own interest.  Thus they are the violence of factions in my opinion.


Do you realize that he used that for the genocide of the Native American population

That's what he was talking about

It has nothing to do with videogames and everything to do with being a horrible, horrible human being

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Khuutra said:
Zucas said:
Khuutra said:
Zucas said:
Khuutra said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
Isn't an A- on 1UP a 9.5? Well, I'm shocked to say the least :P
But they did give Boom Blox a A...

Still, this suggests the game is of at least decent quality. I don't what to believe anymore ._.


Look, I want you to look at the last line of my sig. "ALL GLORY TO THE HIVE."

That's a line I used to mock people who let their opinions solely be determined by review scores. Don't be one of those guys! Reviews aren't everything. The only source of opinions that should matter to you is you. Aggregate scores mean absolutely nothing at all.

In this case though I think reviews are more liable than the violence of factions.



...I'm not sure what you mean, to be honest.


Well violence of factions was something James Madison discussed as basically the interests of the few imposed as the descisions for the many. Meaning I'm going to give a little more credit to those who have played the game and given their opinion than those groups whose main purpose of dissing the game is of their own interest. Thus they are the violence of factions in my opinion.


Do you realize that he used that for the genocide of the Native American population

That's what he was talking about

It has nothing to do with videogames and everything to do with being a horrible, horrible human being


There was lots of excuses used for the eviction and slaughter of many Native Americans and I'm sure this was probably one of them as well.  Wouldn't be surprised.  But in premise this is a strong aspect.  Violence of factions is a serious issue.  Why do you think America is in an Economic crisis right now.  Violence of factions my very very ignorant friend that needs lots of learning haha.

RolStoppable said:
Zucas, you are haha-ing again. Stop it.


Just going to have to get used to it.

c0rd said:
Griffin said:
dude17761991hatp said:
Hahahahaha this makes me so happy! Every time people doubt Nintendo, and every time they prove them wrong. God bless you Miyamot

The game is still crap to anyone who is not a Nintendo fanboy or some really casual gamer with small children.


Wow... what good does this kind of trolling do for you? Honestly?

How is it trolling?  He said people had been proven wrong when thats not the case,  people who hated this game will still hate it and thats all there is to it.


Zucas said:

There was lots of excuses used for the eviction and slaughter of many Native Americans and I'm sure this was probably one of them as well.  Wouldn't be surprised.  But in premise this is a strong aspect.  Violence of factions is a serious issue.  Why do you think America is in an Economic crisis right now.  Violence of factions my very very ignorant friend that needs lots of learning haha.


Did you just call me ignorant when you're using arguments by Andrew Jackson, one of the greatest monsters in American history, to justify taking aggregate review scores over personal opinions?

That's not what violence of factions is! I wish I could report you just for being so inexorably wrong. Violence of factions is the superimposition of the needs of the few over the needs of the many, and has absolutely no place whatsoever in the interpretation of art! You've brought an excuse for genocidal behavior into a discussion on which it has no bearing whatsoever, especially considering that thishas to do with subective interpretation and nothing to do with necessity.

My God you cannot actually be serious

Around the Network

Yeah, can't wait for this - its going to get my household together playing games again. Probably also convince a couple of my friends (orchestra classical music playing people) to buy a Wii - they were on the edge...

Its just not a "game" in the conventional sense, as it lacks the core challenge/objective driven tasks most games have. But you could say the same about WiiFit, HOME & lots of other titles.

Wonder if Ninty have plans for DLC music to come... crappy tracklist doesn't seem like a wise move.

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

Ha pathetic when people try to challenge me on political ideologies haha. Laughable to say the least.

Anyways yea I think I might pick up Wii Music sometime in December. I think I've seen enough to warrant a purchase.


Also: what's the tracklist fo Nintendo's own music? I'm curious about whether or not they have any Kirby tunes.

Griffin said:
c0rd said:
Griffin said:
dude17761991hatp said:
Hahahahaha this makes me so happy! Every time people doubt Nintendo, and every time they prove them wrong. God bless you Miyamot

The game is still crap to anyone who is not a Nintendo fanboy or some really casual gamer with small children.


Wow... what good does this kind of trolling do for you? Honestly?

How is it trolling?  He said people had been proven wrong when thats not the case,  people who hated this game will still hate it and thats all there is to it.


I disagree. I believe the casual gamers who saw this as a cashin will like it because it is good.

Those people who hate it because it's a casual game, will hate it no matter how great it is.

So, to you, casual games might be considered crap, but there is a level of quality within casual games that range from excellent to total crap. Wii-Music is at or near the excellent category according to this review.

Thus, your flamebait is effective, as for flamebait to be effective, it needs to be controversial, and by inference, not widely believed.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Zucas said:
Ha pathetic when people try to challenge me on political ideologies haha. Laughable to say the least.

Anyways yea I think I might pick up Wii Music sometime in December. I think I've seen enough to warrant a purchase.


I'm gonna start saying "yo" in all my posts.

Like, "Yo bro, the revolutionary war was the best war, yo."

You've inspired me, sir. Also, while I might not win, there is nothing that Zenfoldor can't raise a challenging argument about. That said, I'd win.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.