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Forums - Sony Discussion - Playstation3

disolitude said:
lol...I bought one for MGS4. Sold it after I beat it...

The problem is that all my friends own a 360 so all the multiplatform/multiplayer games will be played on the 360. So ps3 is mostly for the sony exclusives...

I'll pick up another one when the price drops if R2 and Killzone 2 are all that...


 yea sure buddy

On topic:

I bought a 60gb ps3 because it had a huge library for me to get, what do I mean? Well I never had a playstation console.


Around the Network

1. Sony Product
2. Blu-ray suport
3. 8 processor
4. free internet
5. HDMI suport
6. Final Fantasy exclusive
7. Micro$oft suck

Final Fantasy huge... watch my collection


Oh... Final Fantasy huge only on SONY system !


Bought it beacuse of the games that applies to me is on ps3.


2. The best graphics
3. it rocks!

Because its made by Sony, I like the controller, I like the games

Looks great!!

Around the Network

because its Sony ! and i love there shii

I got my 60 gig PS3 for $350 with an EB trade-in promotion. The price was right and I was looking forward to MGS4.