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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Resistance Thursdays!" League

makingmusic476 said:
What about Resistance 2 beta'ers? I just got my code today.

Oh, and just to warn you my time is being taken up by a certain other shooter at the moment that shall remain unnamed. >_>

I know what you are playing ......

It's weird because it didn't say "beta".


It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

Around the Network

yes i am interested. i dont have restistance fall of man but love the game and i can get a copy fairly easily or just borrow my friends for the time being. i am definiatly buying resistance 2 for sure. i am usually available for a few hours in the afternoons. nights probably not so much as i never sleep at home anymore.

Consoles owned: 80GB PS3 w/bc, PS3 Slim 120gb
PSN: Yubitme        

Im supposed to be in the beta...waiting for my email from Sony (gamestop sent me the registration one)


PSN: TheGodofWine (Warhawk / R2 / MotorStorm PR)


PSN: Skigazzi (for KZ2 and future games)

I would join, and I was thinking about posting my info here but I just got my beta code email, so I'll be up on R2. I got an extra code, if anybody wants to trade for it, PM me.

Dogs, let me in on this.

1. Yes for both

2. badgerfan20945

3. Eastern time zone, U.S.

4. Anyday Weeknights.


Around the Network

1. Yes. Yes

2. Bobo012893


4. Anyday

Feel free to add me as your friend-PSN ID: Bobo012893

SnakeEyez said:
I would join, and I was thinking about posting my info here but I just got my beta code email, so I'll be up on R2. I got an extra code, if anybody wants to trade for it, PM me.

You don't have to participate in the pre-release R:FOM practice games in order to be in the league. The league is a Resistance 2 league, but until it releases, those who want to can will play RFOM. Feel free to setup beta games using this thread though. :)



Your info has been updated.


alright then.

Yes, and yes
1pm - 4pm EST

thanx for putting me up (top 4, yay)

btw, we are all apart of soemthing great, man im gettin so pumped up, cant wait for R2




1. Do you have Resistance 1? yes im not in r2 beta :(

2. What is your PSN? oliminator1994

3. What is your timezone and country? GMT England

4. What time is most favorable for you? any time between 5-9pm