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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Resistance Thursdays!" League

Oh yeah, forgot it was Thursday. I'll get on it. Happy New Year everyone!

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Good games guys. I saw too many familiar faces online to pass up starting early. It did not seem to inconvenience anyone. :) Thanks for playing and thanks for hosting, Chrono. Have a good party.

A happy and prosperous 2009 to all of you and to your loved ones.

Its a good thing you did decide to start early, seeing as how I had to leave early. =(
Anyway, good games guys, and sorry to chrono for whatever I did. Probably being so amazing at co-op. ^_^

Not exactly sure what this thread does...

Is it just so that people can find their own parties and their own "known" peeps for co-op games?

If so, I'd like to join up (and posting here gives me the chance to see if people are still active here ^^).

It's getting really annoying when playing co-op and finding that everyone tries to go solo and forget their teammates (medics not healing, SPEC OPS NOT GIVING AMMO >_>) and such...

We are a league. We have a specific day and time that we meet up to play together in a balance of 75% coop and at most 25% competitive.

Games are Thursday evenings generally from around 9PM eastern to 11 PM eastern (though some might continue on).

We are still active. Join us if you can. Just add Bowties (me on the PSN)

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There will be a game tonight. So far it is scheduled for 9PM eastern, but if I see a couple of you online, I'll try to get it started a little early. Let's see how much attention we get on this forum.

i'll try to be there, haven't played R2 for quite awhile

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

^I've noticed... How did you find the new forum?

I'll be there.

I can't make it; I have homework and Taekwondo tonight, so I probably won't be on at all.
Off topic: same for the Warhawk league, only I have this band thing that I'll be gone at all day.