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Forums - General Discussion - Do you know JOE THE PLUMBER?

colonelstubbs said:
Are segajon and bigjon related by any chance?

I don't think so, but who knows?????

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Maybe he means Mario?

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



MontanaHatchet said:
Kasz216 said:
NJ5 said:

It's a joke, Kasz216. I know there's an actual guy they were talking about.


A joke, though it's been a typical yet annoying trend of people in this election.  Rather then talk about serious issues it seems like most people on the board (who support obama mostly) would rather make a joke then plug their ears.

It's the same thing that got us into Bush the last 8 years.

Please tell me it's not you who is typing this.


It's just stuff like this annoys me to no end and it's why we always get stuck with presidents with flawed plans and ideas.

Obama is headed for an Alexander Jackson type presidency right now.  The kind that most people will like but will actually be horrible.

Without changing his energy plans he's going to cause way more deaths then Bush ever did by making the Global Food Crisis much worse.

The apparent choice of 10s of millions starving vs roe vs wade getting changed and causing a lot of local problems, with a huge economic collapse either way doesn't make me a happy person.


Kasz216 said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Kasz216 said:
NJ5 said:

It's a joke, Kasz216. I know there's an actual guy they were talking about.


A joke, though it's been a typical yet annoying trend of people in this election.  Rather then talk about serious issues it seems like most people on the board (who support obama mostly) would rather make a joke then plug their ears.

It's the same thing that got us into Bush the last 8 years.

Please tell me it's not you who is typing this.


It's just stuff like this annoys me to no end and it's why we always get stuck with presidents with flawed plans and ideas.

Obama is headed for an Alexander Jackson type presidency right now.  The kind that most people will like but will actually be horrible.

Without changing his energy plans he's going to cause way more deaths then Bush ever did by making the Global Food Crisis much worse.

The apparent choice of 10s of millions starving vs roe vs wade getting changed and causing a lot of local problems, with a huge economic collapse either way doesn't make me a happy person.


Got a better suggestion?

And I would agree with you, except there's a pretty good chance he'll change his mind once he becomes president.




Around the Network

I've got dibs on being Joe Six-Pack the Plumber for Halloween.

Steal my idea and you're gonna have to face my Six-Pack Attack.

MontanaHatchet said:
Kasz216 said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Kasz216 said:
NJ5 said:

It's a joke, Kasz216. I know there's an actual guy they were talking about.


A joke, though it's been a typical yet annoying trend of people in this election.  Rather then talk about serious issues it seems like most people on the board (who support obama mostly) would rather make a joke then plug their ears.

It's the same thing that got us into Bush the last 8 years.

Please tell me it's not you who is typing this.


It's just stuff like this annoys me to no end and it's why we always get stuck with presidents with flawed plans and ideas.

Obama is headed for an Alexander Jackson type presidency right now.  The kind that most people will like but will actually be horrible.

Without changing his energy plans he's going to cause way more deaths then Bush ever did by making the Global Food Crisis much worse.

The apparent choice of 10s of millions starving vs roe vs wade getting changed and causing a lot of local problems, with a huge economic collapse either way doesn't make me a happy person.


Got a better suggestion?

And I would agree with you, except there's a pretty good chance he'll change his mind once he becomes president.


Who Obama?

I guess you could argue that his energy plan is nothing but a scam incase he fails so he'd keep Illnois support... however just the clean coal would of kept that going.

However, i think it's more likely, that like most politicians he just doesn't give a damn about people outside of the US... or just doesn't know how bad it is.  Most people don't realize Ethanol is crappy... and a huge problem and major cause of the Global Food Crisis.  People in Illnois have even less insentive to know then everybody else.

His energy plan is actually the one thing that's been consistant with his voting record.


Joe the Plumber's mad about taxes because he doesn't even pay them.

He owes $1,182.98 in back taxes in Ohio.

And his real name is Samuel J. Wurzelbacher.

What a fucking sham.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Joe the Plumber's mad about taxes because he doesn't even pay them.

He owes $1,182.98 in back taxes in Ohio.

And his real name is Samuel J. Wurzelbacher.

What a fucking sham.

LOL, and this guy had the nerve to go on TV.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Joe is real. And he's not really a plumber. And he owes taxes.;_ylt=AjcRq7nwpQemsE7zpeOhpJ6s0NUE

HOLLAND, Ohio - Joe the Plumber's story sprang a few leaks Thursday. Turns out that the man who was held up by John McCain as the typical, hard-working American taxpayer isn't really a licensed plumber. And court documents show he owes nearly $1,200 in back taxes.

"Joe," whose name is Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, was cited repeatedly in Wednesday night's final presidential debate by McCain for questioning Barack Obama's tax policy.

Wurzelbacher instantly became a media celebrity, fielding calls during the debate and facing reporters outside his home near Toledo on Thursday morning for an impromptu nationally televised news conference.

The burly, bald man acknowledged he doesn't have a plumber's license, but said he didn't need one because he works for someone else at a company that does residential work.

But Wurzelbacher still would need to be a licensed apprentice or journeyman to work in Toledo, and he's not, said David Golis, manager and residential building official for the Toledo Division of Building Inspection.

State and local records show Wurzelbacher has no license, although his employer does. Golis said there are no records of inspectors citing Wurzelbacher for unlicensed work in Toledo.

And then there was the matter of his taxes.

Wurzelbacher owes the state of Ohio $1,182.98 in personal income tax, according to Lucas County Court of Common Pleas records.

In January 2007, Ohio's Department of Taxation filed a claim on his property until he pays the debt, according to the records. The lien remains active.

At the debate, McCain cited Wurzelbacher as an example of someone who wants to buy a plumbing business but would be hurt by Obama's tax plans.

Wurzelbacher, a self-described conservative, had spoken to Obama at a rally Sunday near his home and asked him whether his tax plan would keep him from buying the business that currently employs him, which earns more than $250,000 a year.

"Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?" Wurzelbacher asked.

Obama said that under his proposal taxes on any revenue from $250,000 on down would stay the same, but that amounts above that level would be subject to a 39 percent tax, instead of the current 36 percent rate.

McCain said Obama's plan would stop entrepreneurs such as Wurzelbacher from investing in new small businesses and keep existing ones from growing.

Wurzelbacher had a deal with a clog of two dozen reporters outside his home on a narrow street lined with ranch- and split-level homes Thursday morning. No detail about the divorced father of a 13-year-old boy was too small: Was he a registered voter? Did he have a plumbing license? Whom will he vote for?

Leaning against his black Dodge Durango SUV, Wurzelbacher at first was amused by it all, then overwhelmed and finally a little annoyed.

"I don't have a lot of pull. It's not like I'm Matt Damon," he said "I just hope I'm not making too much of a fool of myself."

He indicated he was a fan of the military and McCain but wouldn't say who will get his vote. He is registered as a Republican, the county elections board said, because he voted in the GOP primary in March.

Wurzelbacher said a McCain campaign official contacted him several days before the debate to ask him to appear with the candidate at a Toledo rally scheduled for Sunday.

He told reporters he's unsure if he'll attend, since he's now scheduled to be in New York for TV interviews.

He said he hadn't been contacted by the Republican campaign since the debate. On Thursday, McCain told Fox News that he intended to call Wurzelbacher.

"I'm probably going to call him this morning. I thought he would probably be up late. I heard that his — that his phone lines were pretty well were flooded. But I think we're going to be spending some time together," McCain told the network.

On Thursday in New Hampshire, Obama said McCain was misleading voters by proposing tax plans that favor the rich while criticizing an Obama tax plan that would raise taxes only on people making more than $250,000 a year, just 5 percent of all taxpayers.

"He's trying to suggest that a plumber is the guy he's fighting for," Obama said. "How many plumbers you know that are making a quarter-million dollars a year?"

Wurzelbacher said he felt a bit overwhelmed by all the attention.

"I'm kind of like Britney Spears having a headache. Everybody wants to know about it," he joked.