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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 Just Gained Another Million Seller!

Fallout 3? Really? I know its going to be a good game, but a million seller?

The debate was way more interesting then the previous 4 ( including Biden Palin)

Xbox Live Gamertag - Deathscythe X

AIM SN - Alexie Di Onie


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Alexie Di Onie said:
Fallout 3? Really? I know its going to be a good game, but a million seller?


seems to me like it should reach that fairly easily

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Fallout is a shoo-in, imho. There's alot of stuff on the list that look like gimme...360 has such a riddiculous attach rate...personally, i have more games then time...kinda funny, I forgot L4D was coming out...and that's one on my many games...not enough time!

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Nice list.

matt247 said:
Did you count Ninja Gaiden because VG has it less than a million but it official sold a million a couple months ago


Exactly. I still wonder where these numbers come from. Or what their idea of a system sold is. I'm surprized no one brought this up but a coulple months back Microsoft had announced that they had the first console to reach 10 million units sold in America. At the time VGChartz had the Wii well over 10 million units sold in America. As a matter of fact they even had them at a higher number sold. Microsoft kind of made it a big deal on their official site and not a single debate was heard from Nintendo, or the VGCz for that matter.

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Resident Evil 5 will reach more then 2 million.

I hope the new Prince of Persia game will sell over a million.

You listed Tomb Raider: Underworld twice.

Nice list though. I have my doubts about The Last Remnant, unless the Square-Enix name will give it some selling power.



MontanaHatchet said:
You listed Tomb Raider: Underworld twice.

Nice list though. I have my doubts about The Last Remnant, unless the Square-Enix name will give it some selling power.


Thanks for letting me know. I also don't know how TLR will go, on one hand you have LO which came out early this year? and has sold over 750k, this game is coming out NOV 20th worldwide, is developed by Sqaure Enix and looks pretty good (from what i've heard)


It will do big first week numbers, just depends how much it drops off.