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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN did NOT like Wii Music

when MSDF likes it, there must be something good about it.

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Hahaha... "Butchering The Legend of Zelda" indeed. Somehow, I don't think this will appeal to people that are as awful as that when it comes to music. I can round up 3 year olds that would play better.

Anyway, I'm surprised he went so far as to call it borderline shovelware. I thought Matt was a bit more open to this kinda stuff. I feel like he's missing a lot of the potential the game has (at least, I think it does).

@SaviorX: Yeah, you can do that. IGN called it overdubbing. Theoretically you should be able to make a song sound completely different from what it normally is supposed to sound like (while not sounding horrible), but I haven't seen any videos of any serious attempt at this.

DMeisterJ said:
I am offended by this game.

It's "I feel offended by this game's existence." =P

Soma said:
Very different from 1UP preview:

"To be fair, Nintendo barely explained what the game is, and its ear-bleeding jam session during its E3 press conference did more to increase the sale of ear plugs than it did to increase interest in Wii Music. After playing the real thing, though, the memories of that disastrous E3 presentation quickly fade away. "

"Wii Music is a different experience than any music game that has come before it. If you let your guard down and play the game without prejudice, you'll be surprised at just how much fun you can have."

Yeah, funny how that works.

Not surprised by Matt's impressions. This is the same man who considers the transition from 4:3 to 16:9 equal to the jump between black and white and color. I think it's werid he complains about the music being MIDI, as I'm not sure how someone would make a game where you change a song's speed, notes, and instruments using pre-recorded music. I could say more, but I really don't care, so meh. =P

c0rd said:

Hahaha... "Butchering The Legend of Zelda" indeed. Somehow, I don't think this will appeal to people that are as awful as that when it comes to music. I can round up 3 year olds that would play better.

Anyway, I'm surprised he went so far as to call it borderline shovelware. I thought Matt was a bit more open to this kinda stuff. I feel like he's missing a lot of the potential the game has (at least, I think it does).

@SaviorX: Yeah, you can do that. IGN called it overdubbing. Theoretically you should be able to make a song sound completely different from what it normally is supposed to sound like (while not sounding horrible), but I haven't seen any videos of any serious attempt at this.


Lol, NO! Why you thought that?! Actually he is the one that bitch more about "casual games".

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More bad press?

4 ≈ One

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RolStoppable said:
If nothing else, the "Butchering The Legend of Zelda" video shows that it takes skill to make good sounding music.


That and using a Cat, Dog, and a Cheerleader all for the same song might be excessive. Why didn't Matt just throw the rapper in there to finish his failure? =P

RolStoppable said:
If nothing else, the "Butchering The Legend of Zelda" video shows that it takes skill to make good sounding music.

So the truth comes out - hardcore gamers' music skills are horrific. They don't want Wii Music coming out, because if there is ever a time they're forced to play it, it'll show how meaningless their Guitar Hero / Rock Band skills are.

@Soma: I don't really know much about him, I just saw his review of Endless Ocean (sort of a non-game), and he seemed to like it.

this game is a bad joke

100% Mexican Power

omg the cat the dog and the cheeleader together >_


RolStoppable said:
If nothing else, the "Butchering The Legend of Zelda" video shows that it takes skill to make good sounding music.


 hey man i was just about to say that