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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 LBP launch week. PS3 console predictions

normal week. LBP imo wont move alot of consoles the first week, but it will move alot in the long run.

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normal week unless sony advertises it right. so far, i havent seen any. If i were them, i would bundled it in the 160GB instead of Uncharted :P

Above I'm a proud Gran Turismo fan, not a Sony fanboy, and now a proud 360 owner, but sharing xbox live accts ATM

End of 2009 Predictions (made Jan 1, 2009): My predictions were pretty accurate, the 360 was over and the Wii was just under.

Wii: 65 mil (yea I'm crazy) 360: 35 mil (its getting there) PS3: 30 mil (the slim better do well)

End of 2010 Predictions (made Jan 7, 2010):

Wii: 81 mil  360: 47 mil PS3: 45 mil

25k Japan
75k Others (because bundle comes week after LBP launch)
80k NA

i dont think it will move that much consoles, maybe in the long run, but if u think it will be bigger than GTA 4 or MGS4 did with the PS3, thats plain wrong...

I see it a normal week(but not as low as it has been the past few weeks)

250k - 350k Consoles .

1.2 million opening week.

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Isn't it bundled with the PS3 in Others? It will sell great there, i think its going to do good on its first week, game's got ALOT of potential.

Hardware Software
Japan 35k 85k
Europe 95k 225k
NA 75k 165k

^^^ probabely less in Japan, but will definately have a boost in others since PES and FIFA will increase sales