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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Boxing Games

Tennis was great multiplayer, didn't really like it single.

Boxing was great single player and fun multi, but was less simple. Someone who adjusted to the system and relaxed and practice crushed someone who was flailing (I proved this by knocking down a flailer 3 times in 30 seconds with 1 bar of life left from the start, I took over from another flailer).

Where in a game like Tennis, a new player who had played Tennis before was actually fairly skilled, as the timing and motions were similar..ish.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

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Boxing has awful controls but is still fun

Hajime no Ippo Revolution is "not good" at all. The game is more of an anime / adventure boxing game then a real serious boxing game, plus the controls suck more then in a WII Boxing IMO. If you wish a "boxing only game", instead of a complete story biased boxing game, I don't really recommend this.

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