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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How would you define a great/excellent game?

Well yeah please answer my thread question.

What makes a great game in your opinion? Does it have to have the highest review scores of all time? Lots of replay value?

Reveal the secret to what makes a great game in your view/opinion.



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Easy. It just has to be a lot of fun and it has to keep you wanting more.

Personally, I like games with an engrossing story that you don't want to stop playing because you have to see what happens next (Currently Tales of Vesperia). Games that can pull that off very well while still maintaining the fun factor throughout are my favourite.

If the Sony Defense Force says it's great, then it's great!!

Fun and or immersion.

Often they can be combined, but I will take one or the other.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

If it has the words "Final Fantasy" in front of it

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I can play it 10 years later and still have a great time.

If I can play 5 hours of this game in a row!

Gilgamesh said:

If it has the words "Final Fantasy" in front of it



It has to be fun and engaging.

Can't be a one trick pony, most be more than just about killing everyone, must have puzzles. And they can't be too easy.

Has to have replay value, just because you beat the game does not mean you have finished everything.

Must be abstract to some degree, can't be a game that is just trying to emulate real life in some way.

Examples of excellent games in no particular order:
God of War
God of War II
Mario Galaxy
Mario 64
Super Mario Brothers
Might and Magic IV and V - World Of Xeen (especially the CD Version)
Most of the zelda series....

PSN ID: TheSimkin

GamerTag: TheSimkin

WII friend Code: 0002 7972 4522 2681


Lets get to the real question. Will Metal Gear Solid 4 be any good on the 360. I am just teasing. The answer is replay without a decent amount of replay a game cannot be considered good or excellent.