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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Next week is a huge week for gaming. What are you buying?

lbp is all for me, then gears 2 after that. which reminds me, i need to finish off gears.

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DOATS1 said:
lbp is all for me, then gears 2 after that. which reminds me, i need to finish off gears.

Marcus dies at the end.


Littlebigplanet preordered and I might pick up the star ocean remake on the psp.

I want LBP, Fable, Fallout, Dead Space, amd, after 1up's surprisngly GLOWING preview, Wii Music.

However, my university budget will only allow for one, so this week'll be LBP, I'll probably rent either Fable or Dead Space, the rest will have to wait for birthday/Xmas...

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Wii Music comes out next week right? If so I might get that. Otherwise, I'm good.

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LBP, Eternal Sonata and WII MUSIC.

Next week I'll probably get Fable 2, then the next week I'll get Fallout 3. Then the next week I'll probably get a PS3, if I have my money by then.

Jackson50 said:
DOATS1 said:
lbp is all for me, then gears 2 after that. which reminds me, i need to finish off gears.

Marcus dies at the end.


lucky for me i actually don't know the names of any of them.


yungmagic09 said:
Next week I'll probably get Fable 2, then the next week I'll get Fallout 3. Then the next week I'll probably get a PS3, if I jave my money by then.


Why even bother wasting money for a PS3??


360 has you covered with not only its own exclusives but future ex-PS3 exclusives like FF13, Tekken 6 and now Metal Gear Solid 4.



Definitely Fable 2, possibly Dead Space depending on how much time I have left after Fable 2. Rock Band is also on the horizon, I'm just not sure exactly when yet.