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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 - the fastest selling Playstation brand product in Poland

mrstickball said:
Xen said:
mrstickball said:
Oh, Poland X360 sales for those that wonder:

Based off MGC extrapolations (which work pretty well most of the time), 0.32% of all XBL users are Polish.

Assuming that number is correct, that points to roughly 70,400 Polish Xbox 360 users.

Give or take 10% :)

So it would seem that the X360 is still ahead of the PS3 there.

How are there Polish XBL users if the service isn't available there? damn, it's even available in SIngapore, but not in Poland?

I went to and poland is not in the XBL list.

Yet somehow it makes its way on the MGC list of official countries, with official users...

I am unsure why it works out that way, but MGC says there are almost 8,000 polish users. It's entirely possible that they have accessed XBL from another country (Germany, Czechoslovakia) and have Poland as their default country....Same way I have a Japanese-looking account somewhere, tucked away.

Czechoslovakia is long gone, wake up (they don't have XBL either though)

Germany's possible though.


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I'm not all too surprised, most of the polish people i know are more sony inclined, but their also somewhat girlie and have wii's and ds's more so

HappySqurriel is right about Poland's economic growth over the last year. When Poland joined the EU nealy 1 million came to the UK to earn money, now, over half have returned based on a few factors, cost of living in UK and wages back in Poland.

Hmm, pie.

Xen said:
mrstickball said:
Xen said:
mrstickball said:
Oh, Poland X360 sales for those that wonder:

Based off MGC extrapolations (which work pretty well most of the time), 0.32% of all XBL users are Polish.

Assuming that number is correct, that points to roughly 70,400 Polish Xbox 360 users.

Give or take 10% :)

So it would seem that the X360 is still ahead of the PS3 there.

How are there Polish XBL users if the service isn't available there? damn, it's even available in SIngapore, but not in Poland?

I went to and poland is not in the XBL list.

Yet somehow it makes its way on the MGC list of official countries, with official users...

I am unsure why it works out that way, but MGC says there are almost 8,000 polish users. It's entirely possible that they have accessed XBL from another country (Germany, Czechoslovakia) and have Poland as their default country....Same way I have a Japanese-looking account somewhere, tucked away.

Czechoslovakia is long gone, wake up (they don't have XBL either though)

Germany's possible though.


It could be like WiiConnect24... I can change the country I am read as if I want, so some Polish people may be accessing thorugh the German XBL servers (or however it works) but thorugh the Polish internet connection.


Go Poland. Maybe that will happen in the US................................................eventually.


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Snake612 said:
Go Poland. Maybe that will happen in the US................................................eventually.

The PS3 passing 50k or the PS3 getting to some significant sales number faster than the PS2?


kber81 said:

Both true but Playstation is definitely the biggest gaming brand here. Hands down. Microsoft is second and Nintendo is still nowhere. Personally I think Sony will easily allocate 1,0 - 1,5 million Ps3 this gen here.

This is really cool news for Sony and PS3, but how do you get to 1m units if Sony only sold 50k in 19 months?

Seems a little optimistic.


My Website

End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)

I think one thing that everyone needs to take back from the article is that the Playstation 3, in developing countries, SHOULD greatly outpace the predicessor in terms of sales.

Think about it. The Playstation 2 took more than 3 years to sell 50,000 units, but took 5 years (or less if the PS2 launched later in Poland) to sell an extra 400,000 units. That's 100,000 units/year.

That speaks volumes for the economic changes that have taken place in Poland. The bigger question is how is the PS3 going to sell over the next 3 years - Can it sell 100,000 units a year to ever catch up with the PS3?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Apparently Sony didn't forget about Poland.

Sullla said:

This is really cool news for Sony and PS3, but how do you get to 1m units if Sony only sold 50k in 19 months?

Seems a little optimistic.


Price is the key. Be awere PS3 is still pretty expensive here. Sony will drop it sooner or later. It will energize sale rate. As I mention before Sony manage to sell more than 450k PS2 even during our gimped economy reality.