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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will LBP Get "Zack and Wikied"?

What FishyJoe said.

Also, Zack & Wiki is only an 87 on Metacritic, and LBP is a 95. The game is decidedly huger than that game.

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mesoteto said:
i doubt it there is nothing really new or differnt about this game

its a solid platformer that lets you make a level

level creation has been around for a while as well as platforming

says someone with an xbox gamercard? SHOCKER!


it will see atleast 2,500,000

No, because it has what Z&W needed: MOAR HYPE.

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

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What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

DMeisterJ said:
What FishyJoe said.

Also, Zack & Wiki is only an 87 on Metacritic, and LBP is a 95. The game is decidedly huger than that game.


@ BOLD: This is why I feel it will be a harder pill to swallow if it doesn't sale well. It's being billed as an "AAA" game...

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

FishyJoe said:
Z&W is a low budget title with no advertising and limited audience. LBP is a big budget titles with large marketing campaign and much wider scope. There is really no comparison.



That is absolutely all there is to this thread

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DMeisterJ said:
What FishyJoe said.

Also, Zack & Wiki is only an 87 on Metacritic, and LBP is a 95. The game is decidedly huger than that game.


I'm always a bit wary of pre-release reviews. Well, reviews in general especially after GTAIV. I'm not saying LBP won't deserve good reviews, just that the way people treat reviews like they are the hand of god gets a bit ridiculous sometimes.

That being said, good marketing can make up for even bad reviews and vice-versa. Marketing can make even a horrible game sell, see Kane & Lynch.

Zack and Wiki was a game that, because expectations were so low, received critical acclaim and sales which matched or exceeded most peoples' expectations.

From what I have seen, Little Big Planet is a game that, because expectations are so high, the critical acclaim and sales will end up being a disapointment for a lot of people. There was a lot of people who claimed that Little Big Planet was going to be the highest rated game of the generation at 98%+, and with how aggregate game reviews generally fall over time it will be lucky to stay over 90%; and there were a lot of people who claimed that Little Big Planet was going to sell 5+ Million (and in some cases 10+ Million) copies, when (realistically) it would be lucky to get half of that.

I think it will do much better, main reason: the level creation aspect is almost like free advertising. Everytime someone creates a level that parodies something or is really creative, it pops up all over the internet.

I also think it conveys "casual" through it's art style more than "kiddie", where Z&W did not (note: I own and

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I think its going to have trouble with legs. Yes pre orders will make it look successful but will this motivate people to buy a PS3 kids game over a Wii kids game, not likely at all.

BTW im aware ZW is a wii kids game but that's not the point.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

Sony will not let LBP, a first game which is now almost guaranteed AAA metacritic and gamerankings rating, a game that is exlcusive to PS3, flop.