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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - New Wii remote

bardicverse said:
hotrodx said:
I'm really excited with it. (I WANT A NEW GOLF GAME!!!).

There's a little problem with sword fighting, though. In real life if you hit your opponents sword, your sword stops too, right? Well, if you swing the WiiMotion+ it just goes straight. What if your online avatar's sword stops when hitting something? If it does stop, then it won't be 1:1. If it doesn't stop, it's like the sword can cut everything (something like Goemon's katana probably).

But, other than that I think it won't have any problems, gameplay-wise (did I already say I want a new golf game?)

Wow, that's actually a great point. As a person who does swordfighting in real life, I can appreciate and understand that completely. I guess the same would be said for blocking off of a shield. My only quick fix thought would be to have the player's guard drop in game, so they would want to quickly reset their guard/stance.



I am trying to imagine it and I think it could work. Here's my take:

1. Player swings at opponent (human or cpu).

2. Opponent blocks your swing.

3. Your onscreen avatar staggers for a while. 1:1 motion is intentionally broken here as a gameplay penalty for being blocked.

4. After a short period of time, the sword resumes your current position.

The (programmer's) challenge here is how to interpolate the stagger pose to your new stance while still making it look realistic. It is possible, in extreme cases, that the player makes awkward (or silly) poses while being staggered (say, pointing the sword to one's self a la harakiri). It would be programmatically challenging indeed.

Everyone's been dreaming of doing lightsaber duels when the Wii came out. It'll be interesting how they'll pull this off with WiiMotion+.


Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.

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^^^^ not bad solution at all.

Millennium said:
It's an add-on that makes the Wii APIs marginally easier to program for. Contrary to the marketing, it doesn't actually make things more accurate; it just gives developers less of an excuse to be lazy.

Unfortunately, it's being marketed as making 1:1 motion -one of the worst gaming interfaces ever devised, however neat it seems on paper- possible. This will be the biggest draw up until people actually get a chance to use the interface, at which point most will throw down the remote in disgust.

You really should add a smiley or sarcasm tag at the end because without you made yourself look really, really pathetic.


The rEVOLution is not being televised

Viper1 said:
Millennium said:
It's an add-on that makes the Wii APIs marginally easier to program for. Contrary to the marketing, it doesn't actually make things more accurate; it just gives developers less of an excuse to be lazy.

Unfortunately, it's being marketed as making 1:1 motion -one of the worst gaming interfaces ever devised, however neat it seems on paper- possible. This will be the biggest draw up until people actually get a chance to use the interface, at which point most will throw down the remote in disgust.

You really should add a smiley or sarcasm tag at the end because without you made yourself look really, really pathetic.


I agree Millennum.  Because all I can figure is that you were sarcastic, but didn't in any way indicate that.  And I figure that because, who in the world could say that and think anyone who has any slight knowledge on Motion+ would believe you, or let your complete misinformation slide.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

^^^^ unless he wasn't kidding, which would then just make the post reek of fanboy hatred because other gamers are still pressing A to swing a baseball bat. ;)

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i just hope they eventually release an upgraded controller where the motion plus is built into the controller instead of an add-on.