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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I have problems with finishing games!

As the title says, I have a problem with finishing games! In the beginning of a game, I really love to play it and can play for hours and hours, but then after a while I don´t wanna play it that much anymore, and sometimes tries a new game, and then the same things happens all over again.

This make me sitting with a lot of games that I will never finish, and that´s really sad, especially with good RPGS like Final Fantasy and Zelda games and so on.

So do you guys have any tips on how I´ll make myself finish the games I start to play?

The last game I finished was Paper Mario on my Gamecube a year ago or something, and that just bad!

Thanks ^^

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Don't buy a new game until you've finished the ones you've got.

I have the same problem on some games - latest was Okami (wii). I'm half way through and keep making mental notes to continue but never do.

I blame it on the boogie - I'm determined to complete it before DEisaster comes out next week as this week i'm having a complete games week, this week alone i've done Resistance FOM, Mass Effect, Uncharted and determined to do this then get back to some mario karting (also hasn't been palyed for ages) ready for the big releases coming up.


drpunk said:
Don't buy a new game until you've finished the ones you've got.

That's my biggest problem.


drpunk said:
Don't buy a new game until you've finished the ones you've got.


Mine too!

I am a collector... (I should start bying DVDs again and wait with more games till I am finished as you say :P)

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I get the same problem--notable games that I've loved but never taken it upon myself to finish include, but are not limited to:

-All Zelda games except Twilight Princess and Four Swords Adventures
-All Splinter Cell games
-Zack and Wiki
-Super Mario Bros (I admit I've never once finished the entire game by myself. I've done the first several levels, and I've beaten the last level when a friend got me, there, but I've never gone through the whole game )
-Eternal Sonata
-Mass Effect
-Assassin's Creed
-No More Heroes
-Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
-Hotel Dusk

And yet, I'm always buying new ones...

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

It´s actually really sad!

sennaho said:

As the title says, I have a problem with finishing games! In the beginning of a game, I really love to play it and can play for hours and hours, but then after a while I don´t wanna play it that much anymore, and sometimes tries a new game, and then the same things happens all over again.

This make me sitting with a lot of games that I will never finish, and that´s really sad, especially with good RPGS like Final Fantasy and Zelda games and so on.

So do you guys have any tips on how I´ll make myself finish the games I start to play?

The last game I finished was Paper Mario on my Gamecube a year ago or something, and that just bad!

Thanks ^^


I have this problem also this year, there have been very few games I actually bothered to finish (and some like Devil May Cry 4 I forced myself to finish it), most of them I left and never played them again, even some games I liked. I think it may be a state of mind, maybe you should try new genres, maybe you're getting tired of the genres you're playing, maybe you actually don't want to play that game, but in a month you come back to it.

My advice is that it's a temporary state, if you don't want to play it now don't, you'll come back later to do it. Heck, when I played SMT Nocturne for the first time I stopped playing around 10 hours in the game. A year later I started it again, didn't put it down till I finished it, and I loved it.

Actually the majority of people never finish a game 100% thru. Apparently the same is true of books (or so I'm told). So don't feel bad.

I suffer from this problem too. Worse, I have some games I've never even found the time to start!! (and some DVDs I've never watched and books I've never read). Mostly I'm simply too busy to finish (or start) but I love to get the lastest, greatest thing anyway.

One trick you might try is recycling your money. Too buy a game you have to sell one (or more) you have to offset the cost. That'll propmt you to finish (or simply decide you truly can't be bothered too) your older games.


i can understand why u finished Paper Mario for Gamecube, coz its such an awesome game :D

OT: i hear ya, i haven't finsihed mario galaxy, Z&W, Zelda TP and no more heroes yet and i'm currently playing zelda PH and mario & luigi on ds :(


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