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Forums - Sales Discussion - Consoles sales predictions

Nick said:

The only console with a chance of still selling after the Wii2 and Xbox720 are released is going to be the Wii. The ps3 is having a hard enough time competing as it is. Anyone who doesn't see that is being naive.

Why does anyone think the ps3 will sell against the Wii2 and xbox720 when it isn't even selling well against the current gen? People still believe it and it blows my mind.

Tell me, why do you think that is? Why is it that the PS3 isn't "selling well" against the current gen? It probably has something to do with the fact that it's at least $150 dollars more than either of its competitors. Do you think that the PS3 will still be having this problem when it's $300 or even $200 dollars? PS3 sales are going to increase exponentially as the price-drops over the following years and a slim model PS3 will likely be the starting flag for this.

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End of generation:
Wii: 100 Million
360: 55 Million
PS3: 50 Million

I'd love to see the PS3 catch up to the 360 but I don't think that it will happen without a price drop and more exclusives. Blu-ray could help but I'm not sure how much. Most consumers probably don't know what Blu-ray is much less that PS3 can play them.

Seihyouken said:

Tell me, why do you think that is? Why is it that the PS3 isn't "selling well" against the current gen? It probably has something to do with the fact that it's at least $150 dollars more than either of its competitors. Do you think that the PS3 will still be having this problem when it's $300 or even $200 dollars? PS3 sales are going to increase exponentially as the price-drops over the following years and a slim model PS3 will likely be the starting flag for this.



 But by the time the PS3 reach the $300 or $200, Nintendo could easily sell the Wii for $150 0r $100...

One thing people forget is that Nintendo has still all the cards... just look what Nintendo can still do, and that PS3 has already done:


Price cuts.

Give expensive games for free (MGS4, Uncharted, LBP...)

New colors

Gift cards

And also Sony gives a lot of free movies bundles.


Sony already used a lot of cards, and Nintendo is still outselling the PS3, without price cut, without bundles, without discounts, without new colors... without giving anything for free...


End of generation:

Wii: 115 million

PS3: 58 million

360: 52 million

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I hope Nintendo offers a Super Mario Galaxy or Mario Kart bundle for this holiday, starting in Black Friday...

Any of those bundle would increase the sales dramatically.

geez, some of you think the 360 is going to break 50 million? it wont even break 40!

People astound me how they think the PS3 will rise as well as they predict .... for goodness sakes Sony don't decide that the PS3 is going to be on the market for 10 years, there is no TEN YEAR PLAN, simply put the wii is this generations PS2, the PS3 is last generations gamecube ... stop fooling yourselves sony fanboys you look ridiculous.

Xbox 360 - 25 - 27

PS3 - 19.5 - 21

Wii - 38 - 43??? Really if supply was there, the sky would be the limit.


Fernando said:
I hope Nintendo offers a Super Mario Galaxy or Mario Kart bundle for this holiday, starting in Black Friday...

Any of those bundle would increase the sales dramatically.


They most definitely won't. Last week the attach rate for Mario Kart Wii was over 50%. The Wii sold 274k and Mario Kart sold 151k. Mario Galaxy sold 40k. Wii Sports is already bundled, so there's no reason for Nintendo to include another game.

01 january 2009:

Wii: 44.5 million
360: 25.5 million
PS3: 22 million

End of generation:

Wii: 150 million
PS3: 65 million
360: 50 million