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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Silent hill:Homecoming is great...

I hope it is cool. I already started losing interest in Silent Hill when part 3 came out and seemed a bit meh to me (still haven't finished). Part 1 was my favourite PS1 game. Got 2 on PC and it rocked.

Best survival horror I have got my hands on this gen has been Condemned 2. Dead Space looking sweeeeet. Maybe I'll give this new Silent Hill a go. I guess I should support survival horror games if I expect companies to produce them in the future. It really is my favourite genre.

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Good to hear. I was hoping the series would one day again return to the quality of Silent Hill 2.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

Hawk said:
Good to hear. I was hoping the series would one day again return to the quality of Silent Hill 2.

I dont think it has the texture of silent hill in it wont stick with you after you're done playing. Otherwise its up there in quality for sure...


epinefridis said:
Yeah, can't import! Damn!
Is the PS3 version region locked too? Maybe I could borrow a PS to play the game as I did with Uncharted, R&C and MGS.

PS3 games are all region free I you may be able to do this. The thing good as the game is, there are lots of good games coming out in the next little while. You may be better off saving it for the post christmas drought... Maybe as a warmup for resident evil 5


epinefridis said:
Yeah, can't import! Damn!
Is the PS3 version region locked too? Maybe I could borrow a PS to play the game as I did with Uncharted, R&C and MGS.

The PS3 games are all region free, fortunately.


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KylieDog said:
Xen said:
epinefridis said:
Yeah, can't import! Damn!
Is the PS3 version region locked too? Maybe I could borrow a PS to play the game as I did with Uncharted, R&C and MGS.

The PS3 games are all region free, fortunately.



Not all, but a vast majority.


Some have region locked multiplayer also, like MGS4.   You can play a a US copy on a PAL PS3, but when you try online you can't connect to the Euro servers, or the US servers.   You can only connect to your own regions servers, and only with a copy of the game from your own region.

I've never heard of lockouts, so I haven't thought that there were any. As for online, it's pretty expected.


I'll rent it when it finally gets here in europe. It's been to long since any survival horror passed my view

How can you possibly misspell QWERTY? It's spelled correctly on the damn keyboard.

I want to try this game, I'll probably rent it sometime next week.

axumblade said:
I'm glad you like it. I was actually waiting for your response to it for me to actually buy the game because I know that if you liked it, it would have to have been good, especially since lately you've been so frustrated with survival horror.

haha...thanks for the compliment i guess...

The only thing I have to say is that it may be worth a rental instead since it is over in about 10 hours or so... However I bought it since I like to support whatever survival horror games we have left.

I figure I'll trade it for Dead Space when I'm done.