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Forums - General Discussion - A typical McCain crowd...

theprof00 said:

mafoo have you ever been out west? A cop stopped me from holding hands with my bi-racial girlfriend.

EDIT: we were out west. this looks west. =same? i don't know, but the west is scary.

Define "west".

I spent half my life in the southwest. The people there are no smarter or dumber than anyone else in the country.


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Wow. Someone should go through this thread and count the ignorant generalizations made about people, countries, and political factions.

It's kinda scary, really.

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It's really easy to find a group of voters who know nothing about what they are voting for - regardless of their political affiliation.

I could find a group of democrats that would be ten times as dumb, but people on VG would slaughter me

ZenfoldorVGI said:

Wall of text, pwn!:

Mindlessly judging, ridiculing, and generalizing people because they have a different opinion is one of the most ignorant things about that video. You know, like in Madskillz post. Full of generalization.

/sarcasm on: Nobody with integrity would be caught dead at a McCain rally, right? Generalizing half the country because of anecdotal experience...that's not ignorant. Everyone should generalize a race or gender based on anecdotal experience. madskillz thinks it's great.

I wouldn't go to any political rally. I also wouldn't name-drop in an attempt to garner recognition on a videogame website.

As for the points in the "poorly edited out of context video designed to make republicans and traditionalists look stupid," I'll say this:

Not all Americans are stupid. I'm smarter than 90 percent of the people on this forum by my judgement, and guessed it. Arrogant? Quite. True? Refute it.

In fact, I've met quite a few ignorant jackasses from all countries, on this forum. Should I judge their entire populations by a few bad eggs? Should I judge an entire political party, because I'm in the opposing version? Should I laugh at others expense because I'm bitter. I admit, I do it all the time. I'm doing it right now.


So, ladies and gentlemen, my turn. I'd be glad to count myself a member of the ignorant public, if it would only allow me to say what was on my mind, and so the opportunity has presented itself. Allow me to generalize(the most ignorant thing, remember?) a little bit for you all, and see if I can get it right. /generalization go:

The truth is, everyone is ignorant. ....



Well first of all it's judgment (no e after g)

Of course there's ignorance and there always will be, however, for every ignorant person there's an arrogant person lying in wait ready to point out this aforementioned ignorance. This may not be a problem save for the fact that if they know of such ignorance:

A) The ignoree (new word!) will not be persuaded otherwise
B) Ignorance is irrelevant! People who are not ignorant will not all of a sudden become ignorant because of an ignorant statement made over the internet.

Generalizations are bad, that won't stop them from being made. Racism is bad, but that won't stop people from being racists.

That being said, you were just saying what was on your mind (and in a very well articulated way!), so you are forgiven


Currently playing: Civ 6

i like how McCain handled one of his supporters in this video, all his supporters are not like this of course, every group has few nut jobs that's all

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This reminds me of certain Democrats I have heard who refer to the Bush presidency as the "Fourth Reich." There is silliness on both sides, and this should not come as a shock to anyone.

cdude1034 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

Wall of text, pwn!:

Mindlessly judging, ridiculing, and generalizing people because they have a different opinion is one of the most ignorant things about that video. You know, like in Madskillz post. Full of generalization.

/sarcasm on: Nobody with integrity would be caught dead at a McCain rally, right? Generalizing half the country because of anecdotal experience...that's not ignorant. Everyone should generalize a race or gender based on anecdotal experience. madskillz thinks it's great.

I wouldn't go to any political rally. I also wouldn't name-drop in an attempt to garner recognition on a videogame website.

As for the points in the "poorly edited out of context video designed to make republicans and traditionalists look stupid," I'll say this:

Not all Americans are stupid. I'm smarter than 90 percent of the people on this forum by my judgement, and guessed it. Arrogant? Quite. True? Refute it.

In fact, I've met quite a few ignorant jackasses from all countries, on this forum. Should I judge their entire populations by a few bad eggs? Should I judge an entire political party, because I'm in the opposing version? Should I laugh at others expense because I'm bitter. I admit, I do it all the time. I'm doing it right now.


So, ladies and gentlemen, my turn. I'd be glad to count myself a member of the ignorant public, if it would only allow me to say what was on my mind, and so the opportunity has presented itself. Allow me to generalize(the most ignorant thing, remember?) a little bit for you all, and see if I can get it right. /generalization go:

The truth is, everyone is ignorant. ....



Well first of all it's judgment (no e after g)

Of course there's ignorance and there always will be, however, for every ignorant person there's an arrogant person lying in wait ready to point out this aforementioned ignorance. This may not be a problem save for the fact that if they know of such ignorance:

A) The ignoree (new word!) will not be persuaded otherwise
B) Ignorance is irrelevant! People who are not ignorant will not all of a sudden become ignorant because of an ignorant statement made over the internet.

Generalizations are bad, that won't stop them from being made. Racism is bad, but that won't stop people from being racists.

That being said, you were just saying what was on your mind (and in a very well articulated way!), so you are forgiven

Just to be clear, I wasn't trying to be an A-hole with that bolded part, just trying to prove a point in a very pissed off manner, lol. :P

Thanks for your comment. I figured no one would read that.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I seriously do have more respect for McCain because of his reactions to people insulting Obama.

According to the BBC there is a split in McCains campaign between people who think he should attack Obama viciously (notably Palin) and people who think that the campaign should be more respectful and only attack him politically rather than personally (notably McCain himself).

I honestly think McCain would be a good president (even if I don't like his policies, there is far more to a presidency than policy) and yeah. Shitloads of respect to him for telling the more radical of his supporters that they are wrong about Obama.