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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - A few questions before I purchase a 360


It's refreshing to hear that about Vesperia. I'll rent it first, if there is no demo, though it may be a while as I want to play BD and LO first. I think I may give IU a run as well, the last Tri-Ace game I played was Radiata Stories and while it wasn't great I thought it better than many had given it credit for.


I much prefer that route, purchasing straight from the console, it's much more convenient and it's what I'm used to on the PS3.

Thanks all. That pretty much covers everything.

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One thing Pearl Jammer! Get the difficulty patch for Blu-Dragon or otherwise its far too easy. If you do that you'll enjoy the game a whole lot more.


Well I bought a 360 last summer for the same reason, I'm also a huge rpg fan! And now... I'm selling it! Honestly 360 rpg's suck. I bought blue dragon first, and it's just awful, LO is boring...

I think you should wait a little more and don't forget that you're gonna have to buy a battery for your pad and a wi-fi thing to go online.

If I were you, I'd wait for eternal sonata, valkyria chronicles, the last remnant and white knight chronicles.

Tremble said:
Well I bought a 360 last summer for the same reason, I'm also a huge rpg fan! And now... I'm selling it! Honestly 360 rpg's suck. I bought blue dragon first, and it's just awful, LO is boring...

I think you should wait a little more and don't forget that you're gonna have to buy a battery for your pad and a wi-fi thing to go online.

If I were you, I'd wait for eternal sonata, valkyria chronicles, the last remnant and white knight chronicles.

Too bad you missed out on Tales of Vesperia. Truly, you should be ashamed. And don't dare suggest Eternal Sonata, it's the worst JRPG this generation. >_>

And why are you trying to tell him NOT to buy a 360 when he clearly is going to buy one anyway? What's it ever gonna do to ya?


Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

Because I bought a 360 for the same reason and I've been really disappointed... And I think that buying a 360 to play rpg's is a waste of money because of the low quality of the actual rpg production. That's my opinion, you do not have to agree with me, but that's what I think.

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Tremble said:
Because I bought a 360 for the same reason and I've been really disappointed... And think that buying a 360 to play rpg's is a waste of money. That's my opinion, you do not have to agree with me, but that's what I think.

Well, it doesn't seem like he's buying a 360 just for the JRPG on the system, and I can't believe you did that, seriously. The PS3 offerings weren't as much there either, so there's no point trying to make him not play the ones that are ACTUALLY available now. o_O

Besides, it's almost at the same price as the Wii, so it might not be such a waste of money (if that's ever the case). Don't forget: Star Ocean 4 is coming, The Last Remnant as well (which looks like it's going to be a 360 exclusive after all).


Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

TLR on ps3 too, SO4 on ps3 too...

Tremble said:
TLR on ps3 too, SO4 on ps3 too...

Nothing is confirmed, but I hope it will be available on both consoles. ''Just in case,'' like they say. ;)


Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

@Pearljammer you can't use radiant mythology to you can' must understand how the Tales team works. There's a main team and there's the ok teams, I'd say tales of the world was made by the WORST TEAM ever. I still put 20 hours into because I love Tales so much, but really Radiant Mythology only appeals to people like me because it contains every Tales character made. It's really a game made for fans so they can use their favorite characters and see them.

@Tremble get out of this thread =P the OP already has a PS3 you trying to convince him to buy two instead of getting a 360 to make a more balanced gaming setup? You missed ToV on 360 and SO4 wasn't confirmed on PS3 I thought.

Oh to add to Blue Dragon, if you enjoy old RPGs like the first Dragon Quests, or earlier Final Fantasy, you will love Blue Dragon as I did. I have no idea why but it had that oldschool magic. Like old Disney movies, Blue Dragon (at least to me) retains that old simple style.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

pearljammer said:

I'm finally caving in and buying a 360. I'm a huge JRPG fan and have been more than happy with what I've been getting on my DS and PSP. However, I miss the expansive, grande-sized worlds I experienced on the PS2 and other consoles previous. I want some console RPG's. Disgaea 3 was awesome as I'm sure Valkyria Chronicles will be, and I can't say enough about White Knight Chronicles, but I simply want more! TGS really wasn't that comforting for me as either a PS3 owner nor a prospective 360 owner, so I've decided to combine the two.

So anyway, here are some things I'd like to know:

  • I don't intend on paying for Live... at all, ever. Can I play games online without this service? (not a big deal either way) Can I purchase games like Braid or Castle Crashers without it? Yes.
  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Netflix unavailable in Canada? So does that make this service as useless as the PSN one is to us Canadians? Use an American proxy server to render your IP from USA.
  • Is a 20gb drive sufficient? I wouldn't mind taking advantage of uploading a game to the hard drive and have no issues only having 1 or 2 games on there at a time. But because my preference is for JRPGs, does anyone know if you can upload one disc at a time as opposed to having to upload all the discs belonging to a single game?  Yes you can.
  • To be honest, I haven't followed much outside of JRPG's on the 360, so some suggestions would be nice. I pretty much like every genre with the exception of WRPG's. Call of Duty (any), Orange Box, Tom Clancy.
  • I have already bought Blue Dragon (only 14.99! I plan on playing this first) and plan on getting Lost Odyssey, is Infinite Undiscovery truly as uninspired as many say it is. I thought the first few videos seemed to fit that description and haven't payed much attention afterwards. If anyone thought otherwise, I'd like to hear about it!
  • For Tales fans: I hated Radiant Mythology for PSP, I thought Eternia was pretty good and I thought Symphonia was ok. How does Vesperia stack up against those. I'm really only interested in hearing how it compares to those listed.  Wouldn't know.
  • Can I purchase MS points via Credit Card online? Yes.

That's all I can think of at the moment. Thanks in advance for any responses!

My answers in bold.  Hope this helps.