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@Pearljammer you can't use radiant mythology to you can' must understand how the Tales team works. There's a main team and there's the ok teams, I'd say tales of the world was made by the WORST TEAM ever. I still put 20 hours into because I love Tales so much, but really Radiant Mythology only appeals to people like me because it contains every Tales character made. It's really a game made for fans so they can use their favorite characters and see them.

@Tremble get out of this thread =P the OP already has a PS3 you trying to convince him to buy two instead of getting a 360 to make a more balanced gaming setup? You missed ToV on 360 and SO4 wasn't confirmed on PS3 I thought.

Oh to add to Blue Dragon, if you enjoy old RPGs like the first Dragon Quests, or earlier Final Fantasy, you will love Blue Dragon as I did. I have no idea why but it had that oldschool magic. Like old Disney movies, Blue Dragon (at least to me) retains that old simple style.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-