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its doing ok in america but i do wonder why everyone else in the world thinks it sucks even though it has the same games as playstation? i dont know. despite of the shitty start and bad press to sony and the ps3. playstation is still the most popular console and the highest selling console in history!! it aint going to be a walk in the park trying to out muscle that. the brand is just too strong. once the price goes down thats it. you'll get a flood load of ps2 owners buying the ps3. thats what they are waiting for but sony better not take too long or people will just get fed up and buy another console. some people i know really wanted a ps3 but in the end just bought a 360 because thye ps3 was "too expnesive". maybe sony have already fucked up in america.

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it sucks beca

Time to Work !

it sucks because it is a poor designed product (just average), not future proof (where is HD DVD ?), with the same game than on PS3 or PC (no soul console 360), old (already 3 years ...), online is not free, it breaks


IT HAS NO CASUAL APPEAL meaning it is destoyed by the Wii that is the true foe of MS this gen (same price)

Time to Work !

Garnett said:

Last Generation

i like Xbox exclusives better
more futuristic
PS2 doesnt look sturdy
dont like sony
$400 fits me nicely especially with all the features.... the $200 ps2 is just a scapegoat or however u call it
big on future proof
proud xbox owner:p"


Funny how words can backfire huh?

Future proof? Xbox?

Well, it requires a company that has the tendency to commit long-term supports to it's customers.  That is certainly not Microsoft's business culture.  In year 2008, Sony and Nintendo are still supporting PS2 and GC.  Where is Microsoft's support for Xbox?

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

It's american.

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Anyone who says Microsoft is teh evilz, is a horrible byproduct of propaganda and cherry picking from newspapers. Yes there is a lot of bad news of Microsoft's monopoly but guess what... EVERYBODY DID IT BACK IN THE DAY! It really isn't fair that Microsoft gets blamed for everything, for the profit of newspapers. What do you think will sell newspapers? 22 year old monopolizes selling weed on his block or Microsoft a giant corporation gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar?

Microsoft is the scapegoat of monopoly. When I say monopoly do you think Microsoft or Rockefeller? Type in Microsoft Donates on Google Search, type in the unlimited potential charity program.

Now ask yourself how much have you donated you f****. No one here has come close to what MS has done for the world, for Katrina, for little kids. But Grahamhsu they're giving away their OS to build a brand, or they're training these poor kids that can't afford shit so that one day they will be able to afford a MS product. Yah than you can explain to me why they would donate 360s to children's hospitals. You think those kids come out of the hospital Xbox360 deprived looking like crack addicts? You think MS makes more money than it loses donating 360 kiosks? Don't be ridiculous.

Yes Sony made an effort for Katrina they gave the kids a party.
You think they need a party and 20,000 dollars? No I think residents are a lot happier about the 1.7 million dollars MS gave them. This is in no way an intention to bash Sony who also donate quite a large amount as well.

And don't give me that bs about well they're a billion dollar company blah blah. If you had a million dollars tell me you'd donate, no really tell me truthfully if you'd donate any of it. How much do you donate each year to charity? If you do than great, you're a really good person, somebody (I'm atheist) bless you with long life.

/end rant

I mean seriously everyone that says MS is still evil has proven one thing to me, they can read a newspaper, and/or watch TV. Think you do better than MS, ok step up to the plate and prove it.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

For me 2 things I have a problem with -
1. Paying for the right to play online - I find it insulting to have to pay for online gaming unless it's an MMO. I have gotten accustomed to playing online for free on my PC and ps3.
2. Reliability- Am still worried about RROD and problems with the DVD drive.

Without those 2 things I would already have been a 360 owner. Even though I prefer Sony I did love my xbox last gen.



Last time I checked the 360 outsold the PS3 in others again, so what's your point OP?, no reason it will not carry on, you the same as I don't know how many consoles will sell next week in others or anywhere else, so your post is POINTLESS....

And no mention of the WII sales ?..




Your first point = Live is the best I would happily pay for ut as long as it stays this good, and looks like it will be very good once the LIVE EXPERIENCE arrives on the 19th November.

Your second point, in that case I take it you never bought a PS2 for the exact same reason then (Early PS2 dvd drive etc) ?..




-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-