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Forums - General Discussion - Define "manliness"

I've been questioning society's concept of "manliness" and I've come up with only a couple examples of what we typically consider "manly"

1) Eating lots of meat

* eating "well done" meat does not count as "manly"

2) *Drinking lots of booze

*Its only manly to drink lots of booze if you drink it straight, or if you don't hide the taste of alcohol with lots of sugar water

3) Watching/Participating in Gladiatorial Sports such as Football/Boxing

4) Scratching oneself


Any other examples? And why are these 4 things considered manly, (or why the opposite of these things may be considered un-manly)





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Don Corleone: Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.

man should never ever cry in front of woman and children, when you are alone its ok to cry

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434
Cougarman said:
man should never ever cry in front of woman and children, when you are alone its ok to cry


untrue, i think it takes a stronger man to let loose and show his emotions by crying.

My daughter is my world.

Drinking lots of booze and then crushing/breaking the can or bottle or your head is one of the truest measures of manliness.

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xtastemyvenom said:
Cougarman said:
man should never ever cry in front of woman and children, when you are alone its ok to cry


untrue, i think it takes a stronger man to let loose and show his emotions by crying.

You said it before I had the chance.  Heh, couldn't agree more.  A lot of guys think it's more "manly" to hold back their emotions but dont realize women only see them as more of a obnoxious naive fool than a real man. 

Funny thing is that some guys actually think by acting more stereotypically manly, they get more women...and in a way it's true...just the slutty whore types; girls gone wild.

gomezc said:
xtastemyvenom said:
Cougarman said:
man should never ever cry in front of woman and children, when you are alone its ok to cry


untrue, i think it takes a stronger man to let loose and show his emotions by crying.

You said it before I had the chance. Heh, couldn't agree more. A lot of guys think it's more "manly" to hold back their emotions but dont realize women only see them as more of a obnoxious naive fool than a real man.

Funny thing is that some guys actually think by acting more stereotypically manly, they get more women...and in a way it's true...just the slutty whore types; girls gone wild.

I don't find that attractive at all. It's obnoxious & an act. I like sensitive men...hah i'm making my boyfriend sound like such a fag but hes really not.

My daughter is my world.

To cry and whimper like a little girl when you get hit in the nuts.

To protect your woman ;)

My daughter is my world.