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wow it came up immediately after the America numbers for last week.

PS3 back to equal with 360 in others now!!!!

PS3 back to equal with Japan as of last week!!

all thats left is PS3 to get even in America, Resistance and Killzone 2 will help. So would a price drop.

I am Ted Nugent

Cat Scratch Fever

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DOATS1 said:
Jackson50 said:

The 360 can also be considered the most expensive console on the market along with the PS3; at least, I believe the Elite sku is the same price as the PS3. If this is taken into account, then its sales compared to the PS3 are satisfying. 

the elite is £229 here in the uk i believe. the ps3 is £299


I knew they were equal in America. I was uncertain, however, of their prices in other areas.  

360's 4 week spike from price drops is over. Yet another 35 week domination by PS3 anyone?

PSN: EDguila

PS3 library:  Motorstorm, Assasin's Creed, Orange Box, Uncharted:DF, Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance:FOM, Rachet & Clank Future:ToD,

Near future: Folklore, SOCOM Confrontation, BioShock, Little Big Planet, Resistance 2.

Thank god that 360>PS3 in Others thing is just about over. That lasted a couple weeks too long for me.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

I think the sonyboys should hope their dream comes true but I will stand in reality

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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kirby007 said:
I think the sonyboys should hope their dream comes true but I will stand in reality fanboyism



PS3 was adjusted up by 15k...


Let's be totally optimistic for PS3. Say it'll outsell Xbox 360 by 100k every month from now onward.
That will take more than 4 years to catch up to Xbox 360.

In 4 years, we'll be ready for the next generation of consoles...

""Say it'll outsell Xbox 360 by 100k every month from now onward.""

==> hahaha, 100k/month hahha

I would say 50k/week (on average)

... early 2010 if price drop to 300$ in 2009

Time to Work !

Krill said:
Funny how even some Sony fans were saying recently that the PS3 needed a price cut or it was finished. Now, one week of reduced demand for the 360 spells the end for that console.

PS3 is doing amazingly well at it's price point and I never believed that it needed a price cut because of the games that are due to be released in the Xmas run-up.

There is no way of hiding that this is a disappointing week for the 360 but it could all change very quickly with the exclusives being released over the next couple of months and the Xmas rush to fill stockings. You can't predict a console's future on one week's sales.

This holiday season could be a pivotal point in the console wars (for second place). However I think both the 360 and PS3 will continue to have comparable worldwide sales for the next year at least.


 Link to the quote where someone said ps3 need a price cut to complete and a link to a quote from the same exact person who said 360 is doomed in this thread please.

Some of the comments from psrock and darthdevide were funny on this, saying that the PS3 needed a price reduction.

There were other threads similar to this, but I can't do all the work for you .