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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Killing my Falcon softly with this heater? 3 months of abuse and no RROD!

Squilliam said:

I just realised that my Xbox 360 (Falcon chipset) sits between 6 inches away and actually touching my 2400W oil column convection heater, surface temperature? Too hot to touch for more than a few seconds. That shows how much I care I guess...

Im not worried at all, its just a convenient place to put it so I can access the drive because I store my disks/etc in a chest under my seat. I like the toasty feeling of sitting next to my heater and I like the convenience of sitting next to my Xbox 360 so yeah why should I worry? Im covered by a RROD warranty until February 2011 anyway and I have a gaming PC/PS3/Wii to play if it breaks.

Btw I haven't had any glitches, hitches, freezes, 2 ring overheating or anything like that. But its still funny. "OMGZ the RROD monster will get youz!"

All I can say is LULZ!!!


Nice to hear that but you know every PS3 fanboy will say "MY 360(imaginary) DIED ON ME STUPID M$,or RROD WILL GET YOU AGAIN!!!"


Stick it to the haters!

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Cool, so the 360 fail rate is definitely less than 100%

What is the purpose of the thread??

Garnett said:
Squilliam said:

I just realised that my Xbox 360 (Falcon chipset) sits between 6 inches away and actually touching my 2400W oil column convection heater, surface temperature? Too hot to touch for more than a few seconds. That shows how much I care I guess...

Im not worried at all, its just a convenient place to put it so I can access the drive because I store my disks/etc in a chest under my seat. I like the toasty feeling of sitting next to my heater and I like the convenience of sitting next to my Xbox 360 so yeah why should I worry? Im covered by a RROD warranty until February 2011 anyway and I have a gaming PC/PS3/Wii to play if it breaks.

Btw I haven't had any glitches, hitches, freezes, 2 ring overheating or anything like that. But its still funny. "OMGZ the RROD monster will get youz!"

All I can say is LULZ!!!


Nice to hear that but you know every PS3 fanboy will say "MY 360(imaginary) DIED ON ME STUPID M$,or RROD WILL GET YOU AGAIN!!!"


Stick it to the haters!

Its vertical too, so its like a full side of it is being blasted by the lovely heat/sunshine of my heater. Its because vertical means I don't have to reach down out of my seat to change disks.

The purpose of this thread is to show that Xbox 360s don't overheat?



But no-one has ever claimed that all 360's will die early from RROD. Just that (in the early days at least) a decent proportion of them did

scottie said:
But no-one has ever claimed that all 360's will die early from RROD. Just that (in the early days at least) a decent proportion of them did

O rly?

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

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haha I remember reading a story of a man who got a console that didn't work(can't remember if it was Xbox or 360) and when he opened it roaches poored out... he blew it out and it worked just fine.

Squilliam said:

Its vertical too, so its like a full side of it is being blasted by the lovely heat/sunshine of my heater. Its because vertical means I don't have to reach down out of my seat to change disks.

The purpose of this thread is to show that Xbox 360s don't overheat?



Wait... wut? Maybe you should change your profile pic into:

You lazy fat Shatner! xD


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

NiKKoM said:
Squilliam said:

Its vertical too, so its like a full side of it is being blasted by the lovely heat/sunshine of my heater. Its because vertical means I don't have to reach down out of my seat to change disks.

The purpose of this thread is to show that Xbox 360s don't overheat?



Wait... wut? Maybe you should change your profile pic into:

You lazy fat Shatner! xD



Well its a Falcon what do you expect

Squilliam said:
NiKKoM said:
Squilliam said:

Its vertical too, so its like a full side of it is being blasted by the lovely heat/sunshine of my heater. Its because vertical means I don't have to reach down out of my seat to change disks.

The purpose of this thread is to show that Xbox 360s don't overheat?



Wait... wut? Maybe you should change your profile pic into:

You lazy fat Shatner! xD



haha one of my managers name is Lawl... every time I hear his name I think of post like this