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Forums - Sony Discussion - Ten Reasons the PS3 Will Rule This Holiday.

axumblade said:
Ted-Nugent said:
the 360 can beat all those games
Netflix Avatars Gears 2 FAllout 3 Left4dead Mk vs Dc many many more


1. Fallout 3 is multi-plat, therefore can't be used in a PS3 vs. 360 arguement

2. You didn't just try and use avatars as an arguement did you? wow. Thats like saying PS3 owns 360 cause of something stupid like you can change your online voice from the settings menu. Not a valid arguement is it?

3. Can you explain what Mk vs DC is please? doesn't sound farmiliar.

4. What are the many many more? I count more good features for PS3 this holiday season.

These are agreements to support you for the most part but i'll explain it i suppose.

1. Fallout 3 has "exclusive dlc" but that's about the only edge it really has over the ps3 version. Anyone that mentions any differences that wouldn't be noticed in normal gameplay deserves to be shot on sight. I really don't care if there is a color a 1/4 shade different between the ps3 and 360 version.

2. The avatar thing is kind of fun I suppose but Home is definitely way more advanced than anything that the avatar system can conjure up.

3. Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe. Unfortunately, as far as I know there isn't any major distinction between the two of them. Also, I wouldn't claim this game anyways. DC fighting games and Mortal Kombat haven't been relevant to anything in years. Might be an alright game if they didn't wussify the characters. X_x

4. Also, adding this. The PS3 has had the PSN video store available for MONTHS as of the "amazing" netflix thing that should have been relevant months ago is just now going into effect soon. e.e


Ahh, but the 360 has had the video store for as long as I can remember.


End of '08 predictions (made by theprof00): PS3: 20m, 360: 23.5m, wii: 42m

Now Playin':  PS3|Resistance 2, LBP, Uncharted and Fifa 09, PSP| Ratchet and Clank: Size matters, 360| Gears of war 2 and Fallout 3.

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These are nice, yes, but they still won't make the PS3 "Rule the Holiday Season". For that, they're going to have to somehow outsell two consoles that are far less expensive; one of which has a solid reputation for a wider selection of games and the other with nigh-unstoppable momentum and mass-market buzz. The PS3 will not rule this Holiday Season, especially with the global economic crash working against it.