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Forums - Sony Discussion - Reason why PS2 is still selling

Xen said:
tao said:
your true about one thing, that the Ps2 is selling because of the Wii, but not only because of that.

The reason why the Wii is helping the Ps2 sell so good, is the fact that it's keeping the consumers/gamers in a last-gen state. The main reason however is the fact that the PS2 was/is the best console ever made, which isn't just a opinion but a general statement and fact.

Damn straight lol.

^I'm getting Eternal Poison, btw.



I agree with these 2.

4 ≈ One

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Well, not only because of the wide selection of games that are available and not only because its cheap. Mainly because the PS3 is now none-BC compatible with PS2 games. So people are probably now buying replacement PS2.

I did the above.

Cheap, large back catalog of games and casual games like new iterations of singstar, buzz and guitar hero as well as eyetoy games popping up on the console also helps it along very nicely.

Then i guess its safe to say that PS2 will keep selling for a LONG time.

@ Garnett

I agree the Wii helps the PS2 somewhat and vice versa, it's a bit like PS2/Wii vs PS3/360 right now from the publisher's perspective. From the consumer (like parents buying a console for their younger kids) perspective they are however fierce competitors.

But the PS2 sold over 28 million units these last two reported fiscal years while the 360 was already on the market.

The entry pricing is very cheap and there's a lot of (cheap) content available for it. How many young kids have a HDTV, an internet connection and 5.1/7.1 capable audio setup in their bedroom? I would buy a 8-12 year old child a PS2 or a Wii to play on a retired SDTV (if I had kids at this point). The PS3 would stay in the living room as a multi-featured multi-media device with probably a few kid targeted games (but I still want to be able to play my GOW3, R2 and K2 ).

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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Yakuza 2 =p

BTW what does it mean the "1337"???

1) cheap
2) gigantic games library

the only thing that prevented ps2 to be sold as much as the previous gen is its outdated graphics and the inability to add more gaming contents and latest technology due to the hardware limitations.

I just bought one and that had nothing to do with nintendo. It's for my sister and i bought it along with singstar.

That's a reason why it still is selling. Atleast here in europe. Singstar.

Check out my game about moles ^

Please don't ever use 1337 again. We'll all be better off if you don't.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

Whats "1337"? That's what I didn't understand about his first post!