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Forums - Sony Discussion - Xbox 360 head wrong - Blu-ray doing just fine!!!!

Yet I have hard data that shows Blu-ray isn't selling anywhere near the same total disc sales then DVD did 11 years ago. Are people somehow buying LESS movies?

Well that's not true.

Funny stuff though.  Blu-ray isn't DVD... yet.

It's all how the pieces are moved at this point.  Misleading articles being pawns in the game.

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This is what has made the transition to Blu-ray so awsome. I love looking at factual numbers that prove BR is taking over quicker than DVD did, and watching as people here and around the try to claim it will be the next Laser Disc.

Here is something to think about for all of the people that claim DD will take over before Blu-ray makes mass appeal. First and formost leagally obtaining Blu-ray quality data is near impossible. Second if Sony or MS was to allow full HD downloads, we are talking about anywhere between 25 - 50GB of data. Right now I can download at around 1 - 1.5MB per second. So lets round that to 100MB every minute, and remember this would be incredibley fast, and most people can not get these speeds. With that you would get 6Gigs an hour meaning a movie would take between 5 and 10 hours to fully download. This is saying everything goes well.

Now lets imagaine you have 20 movies. That is somewhere around 500 - 1000Gigs, meaning 100 - 200 hours spent downloading. Then your HDD get fried in some way. To me that sounds like a very unfriendly device that is unacceptable for mass appeal. Sure the movies should be there for the owner to download again, even though no one currently allows this. But who wants to spend all that time redownloading a movie, isn't it easyer to just buy a physical version of a movie you like, and know you can always pop it in and watch it.

With a physical format, each movie is on a seperate disc, and if that disc gets damaged, it is easy, and quick to replace. In DD land one disc holds every movie, and if it gets damaged all is either lost, or a major pain to get back. This is why the furutre is a hybrid solution of both DD and physical formats.

Blu-ray will likly never take the top spot as a rental format. It is just to easy to rent a movie that you have slight interest in off the internet. As far as purchases go, Blu-ray will become the next standrad, because as I stated above, it is a simpiler, less risky way to go. Sony may have skrewed themselfs with the music industry, but people have got to give them props with the video side. They have learned from their previous mistakes and this time they are supporting every possible avenue. That is why the PS3 is the ultimate Home Entertainment device. It is the only thing on the market that allows consumers to choose.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Gnizmo said:
Garnett said:
I dont think blue ray is doing better than DVD did as DVD was backed by 2 MAJOR Gaming console.

 DVD had been around for a few years before the PS2 was released. The current rate of adoption is much higher for blu-ray, but that is mostly because it was so pathetic for DVD in the early days.

Adoption of machines.  Disc adoption is still tens of millions behind.

What with it being like 80 Million discs at this point in time.

dam u beat me to it, i was gonna post this up... but its ok, actually better, u posted it earlier that means more people must have read it already..