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Forums - Sales Discussion - XBOX 360 at 1,000,000 before end of year in Japan

1. First of all, I hate Microsoft and their monopolistic practices, not their console.
2. Accoriding to your statements, you're a fanboy. You'll be disregarded as well.

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Unlikely. 360 will drop below 10K and if money is tight for Japanese economy they're going to favour Wii and both 360 and PS3 will actually get hurt by its sales.

It has a slim chance I suppose, but I don't see it happening. I will probably get to 1M sometime in 2009.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

1. Fable II will not be a system seller in Japan or an X factor to its sales
2. Pricecut won't help boost sales in Japan after a month from it started (this week it won't be higher than the PS3's.
3. It won't reach a million this year, sorry.
4. It won't sell 20k per week, most likely 5K min to 10K max per week. So probably 30K-50K for month of each November and December.


IT WON'T HAPPEN! BELIEVE IT! <---this is more beilievable.

I think 900,000 is more realistic but might be difficult with the new dsi coming out

It is highly possible that XBOX 360 at 1,000,000 before end of year in Japan.

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ahcheng said:
It is highly IMpossible that XBOX 360 at 1,000,000 before end of year in Japan.



noslodecoy said:
Xen said:
250k in 2.5 months? X360? Japan? what?


How about a still optimistic 125K?  You could probably get more people on board with that figure.


^This. 125k is possible.

don't forget LIPS made by a japanese soft. house

allergic said:
don't forget LIPS made by a japanese soft. house

And that will push consoles...?

Unless that studio is Square Enix.


Short answer.


Long answer