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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Whats your favourite game this gen?

Portal, if the J man needs to know.

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Super Mario Galaxy


Super Mario Galaxy hands down.


Cant wait for bioshock :D

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So far Call of duty 4.


After completing a game, I sell it back on eBay.

The only one I keep is "The Orange Box" .

I also had a great time with Bioshock.


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

Dead rising....................... Exceptional game

Since Twilight Princess and Okami technically don't count, I'm going to have to go with MGS4, followed by Uncharted.

Of course, LBP will dethrone everything in just a few days. :D

Mmmmm ... hard one ... some many good games this gen.

Army of Two - I played this game so many times with different friends on splitscreen mode. The best splitscreen game so far!