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Forums - Sony Discussion - !!! Playstation Home out November 19th!!!!!1

I've just read of that Home will be released on November 19th. I can't wait! Will it live up to the hype, will it destroy XBL?

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If it delivers what has been promised yes it will destory xbl but if it isnt what has been promised im afraid both will still be on par.

good find btw

ohh, isn't that a GOSSIP? True??? I don't believeeeee

PSN: franco-br
MGS4, GH, MW2, GT5p, WipeoutHD, etc..etc..

I REFUSE to believe that date until I get a triple confirm from official sony sources backed by a letter in blood written by Shuhei Yoshida who must swear upon his ancestor's grave to keep the date.


Dosen't the XBL new Dashboard come out on the same day.... ??

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New XBL isn't sameting as PS Home, New XBL has just 3D avatars, not a HOLE 3D world for drig traffic, prostitution and online gamming.

PSN: franco-br
MGS4, GH, MW2, GT5p, WipeoutHD, etc..etc..

haha :) Home could really change the console wars if Sony would advertise the hell out of it... I haven't seen a PS3 add in a long long time

Not announced by Sony so it didn't happen.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



If im not mistaken if it comes out around the 19th november 08
that makes it a year late 19th november 07

I'll wait for a Sony confirmation before I get my hopes up.