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Wow I guess they have never heard of a rumor.

I lol'd

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wow...a five year old could have told them a new Wii is coming and thent hey put the article together.

OP, why the fuck you advertise those retards. It wasn't even funny.


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i missed it.

FaithRaven said:
OP, why the fuck you advertise those retards. It wasn't even funny.


 No need to get your panties all up in a ruffle, and watch the language please.

Last time I checked there is no crime against embedding links on VGcharz, so I'm not sure what the problem is.

Besides the vid is worth watching for the power glove cip alone, "I love the power's so bad"

sooner than we think? a five year lifespan for the Wii is about the same as the Gamecubes.

I have a feeling that the wii will live far past its lifetime, much like the PS2. Depends although on how cheap the Wii 2 will be and its backwards compatibility as well. My concern lies with the casual market's willingness to upgrade.

Funny video though, silly news media. Must been a boring day if they report on a rumor.

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?

Onimusha12 said:
sooner than we think? a five year lifespan for the Wii is about the same as the Gamecubes.


 I think what they mean is that they usually use over 5 years to finish a line of thougts.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS