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Forums - General Discussion - does your girlfriend/boyfriend play video games?

As the title says, does your boyfriend/girlfriend play games? And if so, do you see this as a good or bad thing?


My boyfriend does and its nice because I can steal his games and systems when i'm at his house[saves me money too!]..however it drives me insane when I have to fight for the tv because at the moment both of us have games we are dying to play.

My daughter is my world.

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my ex gf and I used to game on Xmen Legends all ze time.

Wife plays games and it's great. I have a PSP, she's got a DS. We got them for each other. Consoles: Wii and PS2. Don't really have to fight for T.V. since we have 3 different ones to choose from in the house but generally we can either watch each other play games or play 2 player.

She totally kicks my ass in any fighting game, it's freakin hilarious.

Still looking for the perfect one...! Luckily, I guess the Wii has been helping my search for a female gamer! =P

I'd see it as a good thing, obviously.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

Shucks, I don't even have a girlfriend. If it's any consolation, my two year old daughter plays games. Her favorites are Street Fighter Alpha 3(I swear to god she actually won a match once!), Daytona USA, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, Diddy Kong Racing, Resident Evil 2, Cooking Guide and Professor Layton. She has good taste.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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SHMUPGurus said:
Still looking for the perfect one...! Luckily, I guess the Wii has been helping my search for a female gamer! =P

I'd see it as a good thing, obviously.


Haha.. Are you saying guys only pretend to like the Wii so girl gamers will like them?

OT: NO and NO. My persona, Rachel, doesn't have a boyfriend. She's pretty hot, but she's very picky.


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My girlfriend hates games, but that's OK cos I don't play many games anyway.

Yes. My girlfriend loves Japanese RPGs and SSBM.



The woman likes Reflexive Arcade, if that counts.

My girlfriend plays games and it's definitely a good thing. =]