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Forums - Sony Discussion - FF: Dissidia EVERY character avatars (that includes Cloud & Terra!)

doesn't matter, Cloud obviously owns them all on many fronts :)


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Kasz216 said:
Ajax said:
Cloud is probably the strongest of them all.

Really?  I'd go with the guy that jacked up the entire world with his power.

Kefka or Exdeath definitly.

Or Garland if he gets to transform.

Not to mention a transformed Terra will likely be the "wrecking ball" of the good guys side.

 I have to agree with this. Transformed Terra was built up as one of the nastiest forces on the planet in FF6. I think just a step behind the espers, and Kefka.

 As for the avatars, well I couldn't care less about them currently. When a green haired version of Terra surfaces I will care. Until then these are just a waste of time, and a sad waste of potential.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
Kasz216 said:
Ajax said:
Cloud is probably the strongest of them all.

Really?  I'd go with the guy that jacked up the entire world with his power.

Kefka or Exdeath definitly.

Or Garland if he gets to transform.

Not to mention a transformed Terra will likely be the "wrecking ball" of the good guys side.

 I have to agree with this. Transformed Terra was built up as one of the nastiest forces on the planet in FF6. I think just a step behind the espers, and Kefka.

 As for the avatars, well I couldn't care less about them currently. When a green haired version of Terra surfaces I will care. Until then these are just a waste of time, and a sad waste of potential.

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Xeno.. giaz..


YAY CLOUD! why do they all look around 18ish? by they i mean (Cloud,Leon,Tidus) everyone else looks about right but those 3 just seem younger imo.

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They should put a few more characters in there. Auron and Tifa at least....

This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*

With Celes or Sabin is fine


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 Yeah something like that.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

So is this game Japan only or is it going to be realease everywhere else too?

They look very nice, but I'll stick with mines.