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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - whats exactly in the new xbox 360 experiance?


ive had a rift through and to be honest with you, well il rephrase that if you are honest with your self, there isnt any new xbox experiance at all.

ive had a look at link and all i find new are.........

  • redesigned interface, akin to ps3 media bar where you click along different folders that brand out.
  • avatars instead of gamer pics that you can customise
  • invite buddies into chats, which isnt new at all its already availiable on 360 at the moment, but now when u invite you will see your buddies avatar alongside yours, which lets u make moves a bit like an emoticon
  • netflix subscription based sd movie streamer (usa only)

thats it really, there is no new experiance to be had at all, its mainly a redesigned interface to make navigation easy like it is on ps3.

i will be certainly be downloading this as it will look good and be easier to navigate, but whats new about it i cant see it. its the same as it is now but with updated interface.

not to bash it or anything, its a good idea and makes the 360 dash much more appealing

do you agree?

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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Installing Games onto hard drives (optional)
8 Player multichat and party system (8 players can jump into a Gears of War match seamlessly without invites etc)
In game menu upgrade
Multiple user video chat

Consoles Owned: XBOX 360, Wii, DS and PSP.

Skeeuk said:

thats it really, there is no new experiance to be had at all, its mainly a redesigned interface to make navigation easy like it is on ps3.


Dude, excuse me, but the PS3 has so many drop down menus with a million commands (triangle button does this and that while you're not selecting this image/video/music, but when you're watching/listening to it, the button does another thing, etc.), it's not even funny!

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

seems they are making a big fuss about nothing.

If this new """""""xbox expierience"""""""" is suppose to be a big thing then home is going to be the biggest thing ever to have happned

Skeeuk said:


ive had a rift through and to be honest with you, well il rephrase that if you are honest with your self, there isnt any new xbox experiance at all.

ive had a look at link and all i find new are.........

  • redesigned interface, akin to ps3 media bar where you click along different folders that brand out.
  • avatars instead of gamer pics that you can customise
  • invite buddies into chats, which isnt new at all its already availiable on 360 at the moment, but now when u invite you will see your buddies avatar alongside yours, which lets u make moves a bit like an emoticon
  • netflix subscription based sd movie streamer (usa only)

thats it really, there is no new experiance to be had at all, its mainly a redesigned interface to make navigation easy like it is on ps3.

i will be certainly be downloading this as it will look good and be easier to navigate, but whats new about it i cant see it. its the same as it is now but with updated interface.

not to bash it or anything, its a good idea and makes the 360 dash much more appealing

do you agree?

The fact that Sony Worldwide Studios President Shushei Yoshida was gracious enough to praise Microsoft for their upcoming NXE and Avatars shows that this thread has 'FAIL' written all over it.  


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That whole "install the game on your HDD to allow the game to run faster than ever" is part of the NXE experience you missed.

Fact is, Microsoft is out-manuvering Home before it even launches with an impressive amount of things that matter.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Skeeuk said:


ive had a rift through and to be honest with you, well il rephrase that if you are honest with your self, there isnt any new xbox experiance at all.

ive had a look at link and all i find new are.........

  • redesigned interface, akin to ps3 media bar where you click along different folders that brand out.
  • avatars instead of gamer pics that you can customise
  • invite buddies into chats, which isnt new at all its already availiable on 360 at the moment, but now when u invite you will see your buddies avatar alongside yours, which lets u make moves a bit like an emoticon
  • netflix subscription based sd movie streamer (usa only)

thats it really, there is no new experiance to be had at all, its mainly a redesigned interface to make navigation easy like it is on ps3.

i will be certainly be downloading this as it will look good and be easier to navigate, but whats new about it i cant see it. its the same as it is now but with updated interface.

not to bash it or anything, its a good idea and makes the 360 dash much more appealing

do you agree?

Yes 10K streaming movies direct to your TV, who could possibly care about something as trivial as that....


Support for 16:10 over VGA and HDMI, new sys sounds, image sharing, dl XBLM stuff from, Quick Launch games and others, Info re game in tray from XBL Primetime.

installing games is useles- unless you have an elite. and if you have an arcade...
the avatars are nice, but they arent something we've never seen before, it is a copy of the Mii's.
the party thing is pretty cool but we already heard about that feature from sony.
so as for me, im not that hyped about it like most xbl users, but it cant hurt can it?





i hate the dashboard as it is so heres to hoping this will be better.