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Forums - Website Topics - Signatures / images - designers wanted!!

Can you do a Nocturne one?

Some images

Around the Network


I love the one you made, but can you do one with the first image? It's my favourite

OK, i'll try to make it better.



Around the Network

That one is fantastic. Absolutely amazing

Glad you like it...anyone else wants to suggest a banner?


Ej Skeezer!

Maybe you could make one from Starcraft...?! ~!!! I would be ever so greatful!

Here's a suggestion picture to use, or maybe something else if it's not well-suited:

Or a combination of the above and this one: 

Oh, and if you make one! I've got a question; How do I make sure people can see it, I only know how to upload pictures in my signature that are already online somewhere! Thanks in advance!


Upload it to imageshack (, then you open the image and copy the link

I'll work on it, look back here, I'll post it later.
