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Forums - General Discussion - Recommend me movies to watch from 2008

Get Smart's also pretty good if you can get over the fact that Steve Carrell will never be Don Adams.

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Dead man's Shoes is from 2004 I believe from England, but it only got recently released in the Netherlands so it might have also just released in the US.

I also watched the Mist last night. Dunno if there are Stephen King fans here, or horror fans in general but though the movie seems like standard fare throughout, the ending is such a dropkick to the throat it's worth watching, also for the "society going to hell" bits.

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sweeney todd

Even though it did terrible commercially and critically, I really enjoyed Speed Racer. The Wachowskis went above and beyond anything I've ever seen before. It's basically a $100 million avant-garde film. If you have any interest in cutting edge special effects, you should check it out. But only watch it if you have access to a big HD television.

Hellboy 2 was the best film of the year. Watch now

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
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