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Forums - General Discussion - Sarah Palin abused power ...

From AP:

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - A legislative committee investigating Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has found she unlawfully abused her authority in firing the state's public safety commissioner.

The investigative report concludes that a family grudge wasn't the sole reason for firing Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan but says it likely was a contributing factor.

The Republican vice presidential nominee has been accused of firing a commissioner to settle a family dispute. Palin supporters have called the investigation politically motivated.

Monegan says he was dismissed as retribution for resisting pressure to fire a state trooper involved in a bitter divorce with the governor's sister. Palin says Monegan was fired as part of a legitimate budget dispute.

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Well, McCain is screwed.

Obama is going to get sooo much mileage out of this little beauty.

im not surprised.... considering the comments of the democrat heading up the committee. it certainly wasnt an unbiased investigation. yet they even admit she had reason to fire him...

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

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A politician abused their position of power? This is news is...shocking!

Jackson50 said:
A politician abused their position of power? This is news is...shocking!

What is shocking is that McCain picked somebody being actively investigated for abusing their power.


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Yeah, lets put this woman one heart beat away from being president. Good idea.

McCain sure could use some good news one of these days. This is getting fucking hilarious. Oh wait, his wife made $6 million last year. He'll be fine.

Rath said:
Jackson50 said:
A politician abused their position of power? This is news is...shocking!

What is shocking is that McCain picked somebody being actively investigated for abusing their power.



It is not terribly shocking. Previous presidential nominees have chosen running mates that have some nefarious blots on their record. Mondale selecting Ferraro and her financial problems is an example of this. 

MrBubbles said:

im not surprised.... considering the comments of the democrat heading up the committee. it certainly wasnt an unbiased investigation. yet they even admit she had reason to fire him...


The comission that read and voted to release the document contained 10 republicans and 4 democrats. Plus, the person who sued palin to have her private e-mails viewed was a republican. How is this partisan?

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Aiemond said:
MrBubbles said:

im not surprised.... considering the comments of the democrat heading up the committee. it certainly wasnt an unbiased investigation. yet they even admit she had reason to fire him...


The comission that read and voted to release the document contained 10 republicans and 4 democrats. Plus, the person who sued palin to have her private e-mails viewed was a republican. How is this partisan?


the report hasnt even been endorsed by the commitee

she has had issues within her party

the report does not recommend sanctions or a criminal investigation.(because there wasnt any actual violation of the law)

Monegan himself said she never asked him to fire wooten.

wooten admitted he did all the things

here is monegans response to this ""I feel vindicated," Monegan said. "It sounds like they've validated my belief and opinions."... his beliefs and opinions... thats all this ever was.


"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

MrBubbles Review Threads: Bill Gates, Jak II, Kingdom Hearts II, The Strangers, Sly 2, Crackdown, Zohan, Quarantine, Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, MS@E3'08, WATCHMEN(movie), Shadow of the Colossus, The Saboteur