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Forums - Sony Discussion - What is the easiest way to be able to play NTSC PS/PS2 games on my PAL PS2?

The SwapMagic page says that you will be able to play PS1 import games too!
Is that wrong?

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Well, it´s some time when I used SM, but in that time, it was not possible, only PS2 games.

Even on oficial page, it´s said onlz once, in FAQ section, it´s nothing about it. So, I really doubt, that is possible.

Anyway, I think, that mod-chip is much better solution. Yes, it void warranty, but if you out of it anyway... And even if you has still warranty, PS2 is pretty cheap nowadays.

Jo21 said:
i think its getting a NTSC ps2 its the best way :P.

that or mod it but modding only will give you access ps2 games void warranty and its illegal.


depends on the country.

In aus, it's not illegal to own a modchip, but to distribute, sell, rent, own pirated games (i.e games you don't own a retail copy of) is illegal.

I've never heard of swapmagic, so I would say go modchip.

Now days, also, you do not have to mod your PS2 with a chip, I saw this thing online that you can put into your memory card slot and it acts as a mod. Just thought I would add that in. Pretty sure that's legal as well.

That sound´s awesome :)
Do you know where to get it and if its expensive?