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Forums - General Discussion - McCain's crowds

Though i agree with you that what is being said is bad, i would never silence them since i believe it is better to know who the bigots are.

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I saw today that McCain was at a rally here in the great state of Minnesota (actual greatness entirely open to debate) and some old woman came up and made some statement about Obama referring to him as an "Arab" and how she distrusted him, and McCain promptly shook his head, stopped her there, and stated that Obama is in fact a respectable family man who he happens to have disagreements with on political fronts. It was the first respectable thing I've heard out of McCain's mouth in God knows how long, and it was basically the death knell of his campaign.

The last chance the Republicans had was to attempt to basically slander Obama's personal decisions and character, which is what Palin's been doing for the last week or so as she's been out essentially rabble-rousing in various key states. (Where the "kill him" and "terrorist" yells were coming in from the crowds, with no negative response, other than a reassuring grin from Palin.) It was frankly frightening to read about the tone of those crowds and the nature of the "rallies".

The look on McCain's face today looked like an old man who was tired of jumping through these hoops making every last-ditch attempt to get back in the election. What saddened me was when he defended Obama today, it seemed to be the first glimpse in a very long time of the middle of the road politician I respected 8 years ago as he ran against Dubya. He basically sold his soul to the GOP to get this nomination, and he just looks drained from the campaign trail and the way it's led him up to this point.

The dedication you show to any particular console or company is inversely proportional to the number of times you have gotten laid. If you get laid enough, even if you prefer a certain brand, you just don't give enough of a shit to argue about it on the internet.

Frodaddyg said:
I saw today that McCain was at a rally here in the great state of Minnesota (actual greatness entirely open to debate) and some old woman came up and made some statement about Obama referring to him as an "Arab" and how she distrusted him, and McCain promptly shook his head, stopped her there, and stated that Obama is in fact a respectable family man who he happens to have disagreements with on political fronts. It was the first respectable thing I've heard out of McCain's mouth in God knows how long, and it was basically the death knell of his campaign.

The last chance the Republicans had was to attempt to basically slander Obama's personal decisions and character, which is what Palin's been doing for the last week or so as she's been out essentially rabble-rousing in various key states. (Where the "kill him" and "terrorist" yells were coming in from the crowds, with no negative response, other than a reassuring grin from Palin.) It was frankly frightening to read about the tone of those crowds and the nature of the "rallies".

The look on McCain's face today looked like an old man who was tired of jumping through these hoops making every last-ditch attempt to get back in the election. What saddened me was when he defended Obama today, it seemed to be the first glimpse in a very long time of the middle of the road politician I respected 8 years ago as he ran against Dubya. He basically sold his soul to the GOP to get this nomination, and he just looks drained from the campaign trail and the way it's led him up to this point.

This is why McCain is still an alright guy even though I won't vote for him.  Its rare that I can say that about candidates on both sides of the ticket.  Hell, you couldn't say it about either one of them last election.


We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

Frodaddyg said:
I saw today that McCain was at a rally here in the great state of Minnesota (actual greatness entirely open to debate) and some old woman came up and made some statement about Obama referring to him as an "Arab" and how she distrusted him, and McCain promptly shook his head, stopped her there, and stated that Obama is in fact a respectable family man who he happens to have disagreements with on political fronts. It was the first respectable thing I've heard out of McCain's mouth in God knows how long, and it was basically the death knell of his campaign.

The last chance the Republicans had was to attempt to basically slander Obama's personal decisions and character, which is what Palin's been doing for the last week or so as she's been out essentially rabble-rousing in various key states. (Where the "kill him" and "terrorist" yells were coming in from the crowds, with no negative response, other than a reassuring grin from Palin.) It was frankly frightening to read about the tone of those crowds and the nature of the "rallies".

But ... but ... this is even better!

The look on McCain's face today looked like an old man who was tired of jumping through these hoops making every last-ditch attempt to get back in the election. What saddened me was when he defended Obama today, it seemed to be the first glimpse in a very long time of the middle of the road politician I respected 8 years ago as he ran against Dubya. He basically sold his soul to the GOP to get this nomination, and he just looks drained from the campaign trail and the way it's led him up to this point.

John Kerry said McCain and Palin should be disqualified for not stopping fools from spewing hatred.

Now, after talking to an old head here, he said McCain is toning it down because it's driving independents running into O's arms, not showing up in the polls and could have Secret Service involved. When folks are saying 'Kill him' to a presidential or vice presidential candidate, that will get a visit from your tax-paid Secret Service or FBI.

Folks are taking this stuff seriously. Mafoo, tell me you watch the news. It's all OVER the news! Folks are screaming some whack stuff at McCain rallies.

I'll post it when I find it.

MCain's crowds are at least 16% racist and 30% stupid.

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Coca-Cola said:
What media says is reality to most people.
so of course reality is bias against conservatives.
It has always been.


 Fox news was created for people like you.