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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - THATS IT, i am selling my wii.

Do it dude. Seriously, no sarcasm.

Just please do us all a favor, and stop posting in Nintendo threads. This way you win, we win, everyone wins!

...but of course you'll still feel some bizzare need to post in several Wii threads about how you ditched your Wii because it has no good games, blah blah blah. In other words, you lose, we lose, everyone loses...

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i phail to see the logic in selling any system. i know for a fact that i would have been really angry if my bro sold the NES SNES N64, and Cube back when we were done playing with them.

i mean, what the hell? why not keep it and buy a 360? i will never understand some people.

unless you're in some sort of financial mess. if so, then ignore this post.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is the best Zelda title ever made.

"The Person Who Got the Closest to Winning the 1st VGC VC Giveaway, but still lost"

I mean, Why "that's it"! Like there was something that fed you up... Although I can of understand how you feel, the last Nintendo conference gave me some hope

So ... that's it? WHATwas IT?


EDIT: you know what? Forget it. Who cares?!

I don't know, unless you really need the money, I don't think its wise to sell your Wii. I only have 1 game on my Wii, but I know down the track, there's going to more wii games I want, so if i keep it by my side now, I won't have to go through the trouble of buying another one when I actually do want a game on it. There's a few game coming in 09 that I want on the Wii, so its good to hold out a bit longer. Also the Wii doesnt look like its getting a price drop anytime soon as well, so its not like you'll be able to pick it up for cheaper as well if you did want another one.
But then again, 350 will buy you alot of games on the ps3 lol. And if you're into JRPGs, an arcade with 3-4 JRPG for that 350 as well =D.

Uhm....I don't care.

I wouldn't never sell my wii. I am too damn happy with it. Of all those games you mention only RE5 got my interest. The rest puts me to sleep.

By the way, why you bought a wii if you wanted those games in the first play? Doesn't make sense. Is like selling your PS3 because they never released a Zelda game.

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noname2200 said:
Do it dude. Seriously, no sarcasm.

Just please do us all a favor, and stop posting in Nintendo threads. This way you win, we win, everyone wins!

...but of course you'll still feel some bizzare need to post in several Wii threads about how you ditched your Wii because it has no good games, blah blah blah. In other words, you lose, we lose, everyone loses...


 What this smart guy said.

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Bobbuffalo said:
Uhm....I don't care.

I wouldn't never sell my wii. I am too damn happy with it. Of all those games you mention only RE5 got my interest. The rest puts me to sleep.

By the way, why you bought a wii if you wanted those games in the first play? Doesn't make sense. Is like selling your PS3 because they never released a Zelda game.


if people actually read the thread instead of jumping on conclusions.

no i never did, that why i bought a ps3  a year later when i had the money, but i found myself one wanting more games and having less money, and not using the wii, it logical to find a way to get profit right?'s just plain odd..soon you'll be trolling all nintendo threads about how you sold your wii and it wasn't good enough etc etc etc

CGI-Quality said:
@ 11hit11

If only you were able to make us laugh... sadly YOU DID

thank you

 udeathcape said:'s just plain odd..soon you'll be trolling all nintendo threads about how you sold your wii and it wasn't good enough etc etc etc


i am barely on a nintendo thread mind you, after brawl hype die and release MGS4 i being focusing my time on the ps3 and recently bought a DS.