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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - When will the wii start getting main series instead of spin offs?

If you mean Konami and SE, then the answer is never. I am not as sad as the others users, I see this as a big opportunity. Most third party developers will never be the same after this generation. A lot will fall (Take2, EA), some will rise (Activision, Ubisoft), others may lose marketshare (Capcom, SE, Konami). Despite all that, I can only think about who will rise to become the next Capcom (the next EA seems to be Activision or Ubisoft).
The small guys are doing fine. Suda 51 is working on more projects than ever, HVS may leave the shovelware market if The Conduit sells well, Marvelous is publishing several new titles, the developers of Lost Wind and Strong Bad are very pleased with Wiiware sales. My point is that some small developers will rise and fill the gap left by Capcom, Konami, SE.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

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I think everyone here accepts that the Wii is a different beast than HD consoles. I mean, are Wii owners really want multiplat games? Because thats whats really happening in HD consoles, except for their first party consoles and Final Fantasy XIII theres no BIG titles on HD consoles which isnt a multiplat.

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

Words Of Wisdom said:
yushire said:
The only 3rd party I've known that making spin offs are Konami with Castlevania Judgement

This is amusing because ctk mentions Soul Calibur Legends in the OP.  Did you read it?

Gamerace said:
In Japan you're starting to see this happen with Tales and MH3 but for franchises that are bigger in the West than Japan I doubt this will happen at all.

Hopefully Wii will get more franchises of it's own that cater to it's strength like Conduit and Red Steel 2.

Except that Tales games come to pretty much every system around.  There may as well not even be a "main series" of it. 

Also I don't see shooters really catering to the Wii's strength as a typical shooter is made better by better graphics, more people playing at once, and a strong online mode.  The Wii's IR pointer is the only redeeming feature but the trade off is significant.

I disagree with your opinion on this. If we're to believe this then EVERY SHOOTER with good graphics is a MUST BUY. Also Metal of Honor Heroes showed that the Wii is capable of decent online play. The IR tracking gives you more freedom of controls. It's the closest experience to the old fashion keyboard&mouse ...the way FPS were MEANT to be played.


The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

Words Of Wisdom said:
Gamerace said:

True but Red Steel 2 will feature 1:1 sword fighting, HD systems can't to that.   And a game like Mario Paintball would be much bigger than the Conduit on Wii.   Still I think HVS have the right idea with the Conduit.  A straight out run-and-gun shooter with PC like control and accuracy will appeal to many lapsed/mature gamers like myself who grew up on Doom, Duke Nukem and Wolfenstein. 

But really new franchaises with new gameplay mechanics (De Blob, Zack & Wiki, Mad World) are much more interesting to me than playing yet another, prettier version of the same game that had 3 iterations last generation.

You really think Red Steel 2 will have 1:1 sword fighting?  Really?  I would be shocked if it was really 1:1 but we'll see I guess.

I'm growing less fond of Conduit the more I see/hear of it.  I think the developer is making a generic shooter and just telling Wii owners what we want to hear to sell it.  Whatever though, people will hear/see what they want to.

Also, talk of new franchises is slightly off-topic considering the discussion is about why existing franchises are placing main games on 360/PS3 and giving the Wii spin-offs.

@ yushire - Red Steel 2 is confirmed by Ubisoft. @ WoW it's also confirmed to use WM+ so 1:1 is likely.  Conduit is definately generic but it's the only game in town in a lot of regards for Wii.

Also this may not be so off-topic when you consider people bought a Wii for what it does differently (Wii Sports primarily) not for the graphics.   Bringing the same old gameplay mechanics too Wii just seems like a waste.   If all you're going to do is make the same game, again, then it makes sense to do it on HD where the graphics make the difference.  If you want to make something new and different it makes sense to put it to Wii.  

Therefore main series will in all liklihood continue on HD systems and 'spin-offs' or experimental designs (Sonic w sword slashing action) going to Wii. 



It might just be the fact that the spin-offs are designed to introduce new gamers into the series before putting the main titles out there. Give people a smattering of the good stuff.

Of course, a lot of development is graphic-centric, and thus they put their franchise out on the HD systems for that purpose. I will agree that there's a dramatic difference in polish just by going HD vs SD, I've recently done a side by side comparison with max setting for Quake 4 on a HD display and a SD VGA display. There's definitely a noticeable difference. Yet, the issue is, they spend so much time and budget on graphics, gameplay is often chopped up to shreds. Lair, anyone?

The risk becomes that while they are making HD games, the amount needed to be sold to break even is much higher. With the Wii reaching 50% marketshare, the difference between development for both HD systems OR the Wii will be non-existant. At that point, it would make sense for developers to push towards Wii development, as the dev costs are lower and they're reaching the same percentage of potential customers.

The only thing holding back some developers is the lack of a good, solid engine for the Wii that can be used for development, as many devs have to figure out how to tweak their games to fit within the Wii specs. With a proper engine that has boundaries defined, it wil become an easier and more openly accepted process.

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I don't think it will ever happen with existing franchises. Most of the main series though will probably be niche ones that do much better on the Wii because of its larger userbase, and varied demographs. The Wii's third party support seems to be with the new franchises that didn't exist before this generation like The Conduit, De Blob, Deadly Creatures, Boom BLox, No More Heroes, Arc Rise Fantasia, Fragile, etc. I am fine with that because there are always Nintendo games for the big long lasting franchises like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Fire Emblem, etc. This is not to say that some big existing franchises won't come to wii, just not as frequent as in the HD consoles. I'm happy with this though because there seems to be a good balance between existing series that I want to play the next title in on the Wii with motion controls, and a good balance of new series that I can experience on the Wii. If you want to play alot of the Mainstream existing series then I recommend getting an HD Console(don't you have a 360?). Also this doesn't mean the Wii has bad 3rd party support, just different 3rd party support which imo is better seeing as what Nintendo offers. I could see though alot of Japanese games coming to the Wii toward the Mid-End of this generation. Maybe DQX, KH3, or tons of other niche but good series.

The Wii isn't a traditional console so I guess it makes sense that most of the traditional franchises and genres won't be heavily supported on the Wii.

Wow never thought Ubi could change why cant Konami and Squeenix do the same?

O.T. Like I said, some 3rd parties especially japanese third parties dont do spin offs anymore... They might aswell just port or remake an old game than just do a spin off like Klonoa to introduced the game to the newer audiences.

I think everyone here didnt noticed how 3rd parties have gradually change through these months. The Wii have more BIG announcements than the 360 and the PS3, HD console games are always delayed for amount of time like MGS4, Final fantasy XIII and Resident Evil 5 and most BIG Playstation titles are becoming multiplat.

It'll not take long before the Wii could take lead in games department...

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

famousringo said:
Outside of Nintendo's own franchises, Wii is going to be the platform of new, risky IPs. Things like Zack & Wiki, Boom Blox, de Blob, Red Steel, and No More Heroes. Developing and publishing these games for the Wii incurs less cost and therefore less risk.

Let the HD consoles have the old blockbusters. All the crazy new ideas will come to Wii.


add there completely new IPs, games from smaller publishers(marvelous etc), traditional pc games(point and click adventures etc) and sequels/remakes to the old classic series.

wii will get many new games unlike ps360s old junk with slightly beter than before shiny shiny graphics - no offence, but when i see another "new" ps360 game(about 90% new announcements) that looks exactly like hundreds of tps/fps games from "olsen twins" i want to slit my wrists.

Soriku said:

The reason SE can't "change" is because all their teams are already busy. Most of their games come out later in the year and next year. tri-Ace is making another Valkyrie Profile (not the DS one) and since VP only really sells in Japan we might see it on the Wii. They'll finally be free so we might see some things. Konami...IDK. Though there's a good chance we'll get Suikoden. Once the Wii hits 50% market share it'll be interesting.


Yeah, like Final fantasy XIII atleast Squeenix was happy that MS paid them big like MS always do to make them games for the 360.

I've had enough of Konami and Squeenix anyway, as long as we dont have new information about Final fantasy Crystal Bearers and Konami releasing a new Suikoden I think I dont give hope for them. You should too, its hard to be disappointed...



end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out