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I don't think it will ever happen with existing franchises. Most of the main series though will probably be niche ones that do much better on the Wii because of its larger userbase, and varied demographs. The Wii's third party support seems to be with the new franchises that didn't exist before this generation like The Conduit, De Blob, Deadly Creatures, Boom BLox, No More Heroes, Arc Rise Fantasia, Fragile, etc. I am fine with that because there are always Nintendo games for the big long lasting franchises like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Fire Emblem, etc. This is not to say that some big existing franchises won't come to wii, just not as frequent as in the HD consoles. I'm happy with this though because there seems to be a good balance between existing series that I want to play the next title in on the Wii with motion controls, and a good balance of new series that I can experience on the Wii. If you want to play alot of the Mainstream existing series then I recommend getting an HD Console(don't you have a 360?). Also this doesn't mean the Wii has bad 3rd party support, just different 3rd party support which imo is better seeing as what Nintendo offers. I could see though alot of Japanese games coming to the Wii toward the Mid-End of this generation. Maybe DQX, KH3, or tons of other niche but good series.