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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony=Disappointment. Microsoft takes the win again

Fyi, Avatar is not an anime, it is an american cartoon.

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fayewong said:
Fyi, Avatar is not an anime, it is an american cartoon.


Ugh. Ok, never mind then. I completely understand my miscalculation.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


fayewong said:
Home is coming out next month, is that bad news or good news?


Well, it's a bad thing. Instead of focusing in games where she triumphed last gen, Sony once again is disorienting gamers with (interesting and impressive) feautures that are NOT gaming, no matter how much related are to games.

NXE is interesting yes. But I don't know many people "excited" about this. They are just waiting for it. But this whole Home anticipation? Where are the bloody games? And  there are people in this site who diminish the new Halo game? Well, let's see what they'' have to say when it hits its first day million...

MS won, But they sucked pretty hard as well imo. I mean its tgs and i havent heard one BIG annoucement yet. Borefest full of crap games, announced games and add on packs.

ok fill in. The grey parts didnt happen yet or...

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They happened. SCEJ will upload the videos during the night.

Color me surprised! MSFT for another conference win.

^all they won was garbage though. No company can be proud imo.

If Sony doesn't make any big announcements before the end of TGS then it will be very disappointing. I still don't believe that anyone necessarily won or lost though.



yes sony was a great dissapointment and i was hoping after today (2nd day) that sony would have had something under its sleeve , but to my dissapointment ...nope
games i played that i realy liked : LBP and R2
games i played and were suprisingly good : i think it was called soul dragon and some castlevania game that was like street fighter
breath taking trailers : halo wars and everthing final fantasy

and for all the haters that dont believe im in chiba eat shii
and for everyone else i promise a shii load of pics when i get back cuz im not aloud to upload stuff on these computers

oh yakuza 3 is the best looking yakuza ever
kun nichi wa and matanay i get back on the 15 th