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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do TGS announcements carry on the next 2 days too?

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ecurbj said:

Link to those 9 SCEJ will help?
I know one of those 9 SCEJ was suppose to be a Team ICO release right?


we expected it to be because someone from sony said so

this is no way "interesting":

dude their second day just started what's with all the madness, this is another media day


So all the videos on that site, is everything that happened today at Sony's conference?


wow, I don't know anything about Team ICO, but whatever the game was...You guys were pretty excited about it and its sad seeing they have not made any announcement regarding their new game.

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Team Ico's arguably the greatest asset that Sony has :P... Their games are art. We get one every 4 years from them, and 2009 is the year of their next release, so we wanna see footage! :P

I bet a lot of the games they were set to 'announce' are just PSN games.

It's all about the game.

couldn't they just show FF in game videos ?????
what were they thinking ???

blackstar said:
this is no way "interesting":

Hmm....they could've done worse.


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.


That game looks horrible, it looks more like a Devil May Cry/Dynasty Warriors game. I'm not purchasing it...
and remember, Final Fantasy XIII is also coming to the 360. So the 360 build might of had impact on a trailer of the gameplay or not. We will never know. Thats not Sony's fault its Square Enix fault blackstar.

lilwingman said:
Team Ico's arguably the greatest asset that Sony has :P... Their games are art. We get one every 4 years from them, and 2009 is the year of their next release, so we wanna see footage! :P


well obviousely the only gaming event that sony cares about is E3 so wait for it then,,, lucky them they no longer should worry about "no longer a ps3 exclusive" announcemnts :P