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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wow, Perfect Dark has better AI than red steel

^ hehehe
But seriously, just imagine the hair, and you'll see

Dont worry, hes still the second coolest actor of all times

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

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Ontopic: Yeah, Red Steel's AI pretty much sucked.

Also, Perfect Dark was better than Goldeneye.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046



quarashi said:
Yea Perfect Dark is one of the best FPS ever. Multiplayer plus bots = epic win. Fist Sim, Kaze, Venge, Turtle, Peace. What was the sims name that followed you around if you killed it first? No it's not Venge because he only goes after you for one kill. Have them on, 1 hit kills and all fists. Most fun ever in an FPS.


There was PreySim who would go after the weakest players, and then there was also JudgeSim who would go after players trying to kill the noobs (those two sims were always fighting with eachother XD)

There was also SpeedSim who ran at very fast speeds, and ShieldSim who would whore shields if they were present on the map >_>

Oh oh, there was also RocketSim, guess what he'd do? Hehe... Then there were the CowardSims who'd just flee... Very annoying if they had the briefcase.

Anyways, the one you're thinking of (which is the only one yet to be named) is FeudSim. Piss that one off and he'd be on your ass the entire game. Now imagine a DarkFeudSim D:

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Well im not into FPS, but PD is my favorite game on 64. Still play it today...

actually..Shield Sim spawns with a shield
he does whore them afterward..

hehe ^^' the sims in PD...that sounded..odd was great for multiplayer..still waiting for Halo or something to fix that problem of NO SIMS!


sometimes I want to work together..I don't want to kill my friends all the time..

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Counter-Operative mode is still probably the best thing to come out of that game.

Why don't they do it more often with shooters, exactly?

Khuutra said:
Counter-Operative mode is still probably the best thing to come out of that game.

Why don't they do it more often with shooters, exactly?



that's a no brainer: lazy developers: why fix what aint broken?


pokemon does it too..Dragon Quest monesters Joker rocks over it..if only Pokemon would learn from it..