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Forums - Sales Discussion - Which games will actually benefit from the holidays?

the games i think will have holiday boost is the Conduit, Rygar: The Battle of Argus, Gears of War 2, Little Big Planet, Socom: Confrontation and Resistance 2.


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Lips, Scene it, and any other family games

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Fallout 3... cause shit sucks so we may as well start training now

Well, I'm looking at Americas yearly, and monthly December, both 2007 of course

What is very signifficant, is that the handheld games sell a lot less compared to the console games. Normally, you would think Brain Training, More Brain Training and Nintendogs would get at least as big a boost as the rest, but it doesn't look like that.

Worldwide, it seems like DS games actually get bigger boosts than the console games. So this makes me assume that Japan and Others will be dominated by DS games. It also seems pretty obvious that the 200K weekly sellers are the consoles' big blockbusters.

It won't look like DS is dominating though, as it doesn't get as many new games released as the other machines. It will be the winner by far with older software (ala, more than 10 weeks old), but will probably just even Wii and 360.


What I would expect, is for Nintendo to sell most 3rd party software (and this is unlikely, usually, Ps3 is 20% ahead of Wii, and X360 ~ 50% ahead of Wii). The reason, is that Nintendo games could see a severe shortage. Mario Kart has sold far more than they expected (it has to, they couldn't have forseen this?) and Wii Fit is supply constrained as always.

And if you think about it - these two titles sell about 1/4 of the Wiis total software, and is about equal to the third party sales (slightly lower, but if they weren't supply constrained in christmas, they would be equal).

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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NMH? Not gong to happen. The game that will see the biggest boost, is WiiFit. It'll be the best selling game of 2008, multi-platform game or not.

Stillwell said:
NMH? Not gong to happen. The game that will see the biggest boost, is WiiFit. It'll be the best selling game of 2008, multi-platform game or not.


 As much as I wish that would happen, lets be realistic, lol

Mario Kart just might beat WiiFit though, because you can buy 2 MKWii games for the price of just one Wii Fit and you might want one for yourself and one as a gift.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Stillwell said:
NMH? Not gong to happen. The game that will see the biggest boost, is WiiFit. It'll be the best selling game of 2008, multi-platform game or not.

Wiifit may see a rise in demand, but not a rise in sales; how can a game that sells out every unit they can make increase sales?


(I suppose they could increase capacity or have held units back; but unless they are being very secretive about it they arent doing either)


I hope Wario Land: Shake it! see's a nice holiday boost. It's such a great game and it should be enjoyed by all. I know it's first party but still. =]

Third party: ToS:DotNW. =D

FishyJoe said:
There weren't many entertainment options during the depression. Contrast that to today where we have internet and tv which are essentially free. So I think that line of reasoning is somewhat flawed.

People will still buy games. But instead of buying a console and 3 games, a consumer might just buy a console and one game. Anyone who was planning on buying 3 games might only buy 2 games now.

Also, consumers will be more willing to wait for discounts and used games. There are a ton of used games on the shelves for cheap. I think there is enough old content available at significant discount that it will impact new sales in a bad economic environment.

I did not say sales would not be affected at all. I said they would not feel the pain, at least like other segments of the economy. Ok... I didn't SAY that... but that is what I meant.

Casuals do not go to GS and whatever, the Wii will be less affected than the HD consoles. Also, there will be less Used games availible if what you say is true. Used games will not be dirty cheap if everyone is buying them, basic supply and demand. Also, if people are buying less games they will not trade in there games as much either. Meaning either less supply, or more demand. Either way used games would go up in price making it less of a "deal" to buy them.....


End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut