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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Who's sticking with the 360 only this gen?

I will never blame someone who owns a PS3/360 for not going over to the other side. Although I must say, both sides have games that every person who calls themself a "hardcore" gamer should play.


- Edit - You own a Wii? The title of this thread shouldn't be "who's sticking with the 360 only this gen?". It should be "Who isn't going to buy a PS3 this gen?"

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people take sides doesnt matter what it involves, so doesnt matter how much you tell someone the other side is greener or they are only seeing half of the gold pot. they will stick to there guns with there pride if u can call it that. but i understand its hard for people to afford gaming at this time when people are very cautious with money.

if u can afford it then i recommend picking up all systems and cherry picking at the vast library of excellent games they all have to offer

Owner of PS3, Wii, Xbox360, NDS, PSP - Feel Free to add me on PSN or XBL :)

I am sticking with 360 only this gen. The one and only game that could have pushed me to buy a ps3 went multi plat. (Final Fantasy)

Mistershine said:
EdGuila said:
jpain333 said:
Ill stick with my 360, GT5 and tekken were games i'd buy if I had a ps3...
And forza is good enough for me, as much as I love GT, so I dont think ill get one...


 Why not just sell the 360 and enjoy all three of the games you mentioned?  You're saving money since the PS3 will last you another 6 years while the 360 and it's DVD format won't push it past 2009.  We also seen how MS pulled the rug from underneath the original XBox's owner's feet after just 4 years.  Two key factors that point to MS dumping the 360 after 2009.  The PS3 has more exclusives, you are missing out on many more games.  360 games that aren't on PS3 can just be played on a computer.  PS3 games that aren't on 360 can't.

Access to more exclusives, pay less and enjoy yourself longer.

How will selling his 360 enable him to play all three games? Forza is 360 only(no pc version), Tekken is multi so he can get that on his 360, GT5 is PS3 only so that's the only game he currently can't play. It's a choice between Forza and GT5, which is subjective.

Ya hes right, I mean since tekken 6 is coming to the 360 and I think Forza is an excellent game compared to GT (I've played GT 1-4)....I don't think its a good idea to sell it, plus my bro loves JRPGs (was happy to hear FF coming to 360), and I want fable, gears, etc...


CGI-Quality said:
Well that's bad for you seeing as how you'll be missing out on LOTS of stuff just to prove a point? I'll reiterate: That sucks for YOU AND ONLY YOU. Being an owner of all 3 myself, I'll have the pleasure of enjoying EVERYTHING from this gen while you may enjoy maybe 30 - 35% of it and that makes you happy? Well whatever floats your boat but seriously man, unless you truly can't afford them (no offense meant), you should give PS3 and Wii a serious try.


And if someone can only afford one console?  Not everyone's parents can afford to support their kids every whim.

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Money is tight. The benefits of having a PS3 are lower than the cost of purchasing one.

I'm a filmmaker, writer, and gamer. Add me on Xbox Live or message me!

XBL Gamertag: StraitupBeastin

PS3 is less than 2 years old,,, we don't even know more than half of the games that are supposed to be released on it,,,you might see something you might like ,,,,you might not,,,,you really can't make a decision when a console is not even 2 years old.




I'm a 360 only user this gen as well. I certainly won't buy a PS3.

I own a Wii but it's a last gen console so it doesn't count.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


I'm a Ps3 owner this gen.,......I definetely don' want a 360 unles SO4 is really exclusive for more than like 12 months or something

but I'm very happy with has all the games I want...

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

EdGuila said:
eliasg said:
me neither, my next console is going to be the next XBOX...


You'd rather invest your money on XBox console that will only last you 4 years each generation as opposed to a PS console which average about 8 or 9 years? Why would you prefer to have to buy a console over twice when you can just buy one, the PS3 that will span the life of the XBox 360 and the XBox 720? Keep in mind the $100 the most people save on XBox 360 is usually exceeded when they comes to buy the accessories and memberships that the PS3 comes with at $399.


What is comes down to is you'd rather spend more money and more money more often. Hope you never run a business.


PS3 will not last 9 years. Most likely, the 360 and PS3 will both last 5-6 years. 360 IS more expensive if you opt to have everything. However, you have a choice, more freedom over how much to spend. If you only want to play games, its $200. Play games in HD and buy things from the market place it is $300. If you want live, you can get it for $50 a year or less, so that may add $200 at this point... so why would you choose 360 over PS3 if you want to play online? 360 may have better online service, better controller, better online games, and a bigger community (for example, if all your friends play CoD4 on Xbox live, you arn't going to go get a PS3 and play it on that).