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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle confirmed for Wii, due out until 2010

couchmonkey said:
TWRoO: The motocycle actually rocks, but for whatever reason they don't explain the best parts:
- tilt the remote and tap the brakes to do a really fast corner
- flip the remote up to jump

It does crash awfully easily though.

I would like to see a much-improved "sandbox" portion on the sequel before I'd buy it...and I don't necessarily mean bigger or more in-depth, just not as boring. Less money-grinding, and potentially smaller.

The action parts of the game were mostly really good.

Tilt? as in twisting it but still facing forward?

The instructions said to flick the remote left/right to do a drift turn, so I have been doing that and just ending up with that weird jump instead.
Also I think it said to tap the boost button rather than the brakes, are you sure on that part?

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I'm a bit surprised that it would take so much time to develop.

PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison

Spanx said:

I thought EVERY announcement tu a Nintendo platform would only be revealed when it takes LESS than a year to came out start counting on the revealing day.
I would prefer to know about NMH2 by mid 2009. Now I have to remember everyday that it will take long to NMH2 came out.


That would be every first-party Nintendo title.


Ah, who cares. It's gonna be awesome anyway, we just got to know about it a bit early :D Come on guys, atleast we're getting a sequel! :D

Release date seems perfect, any earlier and it would probably be rushed, later would be a fair wait (not that ive even played the first yet)

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Alot of Green Eyed HD Fanboys were hopeful this would be an HD game or multiplatform and alot of buzzkills tried to convince everyone it would be a DS game.

Sorry folks, No More Heroes is still Wii and Wii only.

It's coming out far enough from now that I'll be able to play No More Heroes one or two more times, put it away, and then bring it out just before 2 comes out and have it still feel fresh.

This is my rationalization. Please don't attack my coping methods.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

TWRoO said:

Tilt? as in twisting it but still facing forward?

The instructions said to flick the remote left/right to do a drift turn, so I have been doing that and just ending up with that weird jump instead.
Also I think it said to tap the boost button rather than the brakes, are you sure on that part?

He's right, the in-game bike instructions aren't entirely accurate. You twist the remote in the direction you want to skid and hit the brake. And it doesn't need to be one action, you can tilt the remote long before you get to where you want to turn, only the brake is decides when it happens.

Keep the brake held down and you can spin donuts, then let go of the brake to speed off in whatever direction you're facing at that time.


BrainBoxLtd said:

TWRoO said:

Tilt? as in twisting it but still facing forward?

The instructions said to flick the remote left/right to do a drift turn, so I have been doing that and just ending up with that weird jump instead.
Also I think it said to tap the boost button rather than the brakes, are you sure on that part?

He's right, the in-game bike instructions aren't entirely accurate. You twist the remote in the direction you want to skid and hit the brake. And it doesn't need to be one action, you can tilt the remote long before you get to where you want to turn, only the brake is decides when it happens.

Keep the brake held down and you can spin donuts, then let go of the brake to speed off in whatever direction you're facing at that time.


Thanks... I tried it out. It (along with the boost which I also hadn't tried yet) stop the driving being a horrible chore at least, still not good, but no longer bad.


can people stop saying it bombed now?

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X